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The ICB's deputy chief executive Michelle Arrowsmith visited a Chesterfield dental practice to discuss the challenges and opportunities of expanding dental provision in Derbyshire.

On her visit to Glumangate Dental Practice, she talked with staff including dentist and practice owner Dr Rami Khatib, who has been carrying out NHS work since he qualified in 2005.

The practice has more than 4,000 NHS patients on their list and is currently closed to new patients.

There are currently 16 practices open to new patients in Derbyshire and despite efforts to attract more dentists to carry out NHS work, this is a challenge for Derbyshire in line with the rest of the country.

Michelle said: "There are some real challenges for those dentists running a dental practice which delivers NHS care. But with this comes opportunity and locally we are implementing the national dental recovery plan to help alleviate some of the issues."

Read more.

Volunteers supporting people onto the NHS app
Hospice’s refurbishment is making good progress

Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield is refurbishing its day services centre, main reception, clinic rooms, and physio gym.

With work progressing well, the refreshed spaces are expected to be completed before Christmas.

This update to the Old Brampton hospice—untouched for over 20 years—will create a warmer, more welcoming environment for patients and those important to them.

The renovations will greatly enhance everyone’s experience, ensuring all who visit receive the highest standard of care and support.

Alongside new flooring, redecoration, and furnishings, the hospice will add an accessible toilet with a changing table and hoist, and divide the large day room into three separate spaces so multiple sessions can run at the same time.

Read more.

Flu and Covid-19 winter vaccination programme

Vulnerable and older people across Derby and Derbyshire, including people with some existing conditions, who are most at risk of getting ill this winter are getting their flu and Covid-19 vaccine.

You may have received a letter from your local GP practice inviting you to book in and vaccinations are also available at some local pharmacies.  

Health and social care workers are also eligible for flu and Covid-19 vaccinations. If you are a health and social care worker, getting vaccinated protects you and your patients. If you cannot get a flu vaccine through your employer, you can get it at a pharmacy or your GP surgery if you’re employed:

  • by a registered residential care or nursing home
  • by a registered domiciliary care provider
  • by a voluntary managed hospice provider
  •  through direct payments or personal health budget

Mandy Simpson, Associate Director Immunisation & Screening NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board said: "Getting my flu and Covid-19 vaccines ensures that I can keep my colleagues, friends and loved ones protected this winter. It's important that we take up the offer of vaccinations if we are eligible. Let's work together to ease the strain on our services this winter."

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Derbyshire doctor's part in global patient safety charter
Women asked how health services should be improved
Have your say on stroke rehabilitation services
Fertility review
Text says: Help build a health service fit for the future
Dale the Duck visits colleagues on national AHP day
New video induction launched

A new video induction for all staff who work in health and social care in Derby and Derbyshire has been launched.

The two simple animated videos introduce new colleagues to the fact they are now working for the Joined Up Care Derbyshire integrated care system – as well as their organisational employer.

The videos complement the induction programmes of employing organisations, whether that is a hospital trust, GP practice, social care provider, voluntary and community sector organisation or a local authority.

They are also a good introduction to the integrated care system for anyone who works in the system already, regardless of how many years they have been in their job.

Watch the first video, with Chris Clayton from NHS Derby and Derbyshire and Michelle Bateman from Derbyshire Community Health Services.

The second video gives an example of how the integrated care system works with Ian Lawrence of Team Up and Lee Radford from NHS Derby and Derbyshire.

Joined Up Careers Newsletter

Visit the Joined Up Careers website to read more news from the Joined Up Careers Derbyshire team, including:

  • Healthcare Support Worker Awards 2024
  • Partnership with East Midlands Combined County Authority broadcasts to thousands
  • Virtual work experience platform update
  • Volunteer Passport course


Derbyshire Dialogue
Public and Patient Insight Library latest reports

The Insight Library is our local source of patient and public insight gathered across Derbyshire health, care, statutory and voluntary organisations. You can search reports by theme, service type, district, and several other categories.

It is open to a wide variety of professionals to help share reports and learning across the system and inform decision-making. Recent reports include:

Better End of Life 2024: Time to care – this report, funded by Marie Curie, tells us the number of people who who need palliative and end of life care is increasing steeply, yet there is an important gap in our understanding of the outcomes and experiences of people affected by dying, death, and bereavement at a national level.

All reports entered in the library are tagged so that they can be sorted by theme, service type, district, and several other categories. It is also now easier than ever to submit reports to be added to the library via our online form.

Submit reports via our online form or Please ensure you provide permission for us to share the report, as well as details such as the publish date and author name(s).

In case you missed it
Contact us

If you have any feedback, or questions, please email us at:

While every effort has been made to ensure the contents of this bulletin are accurate and up-to-date NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board do not accept any responsibility of any omission or inaccuracy as it is not deliberate. Nevertheless, we will appreciate provision of accurate information to improve our work. Where links are provided to external content, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board holds no responsibility for such content or accuracy.


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Joined Up Care Derbyshire
NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, The Council House, First Floor, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS