Welcome to November's newsletter for Joined Up Care Derbyshire – the integrated care system for Derby and Derbyshire.
We aim to celebrate and share good examples of how partners across the health and care system are working together to achieve our shared missions.
This month's newsletter includes:
- More GP practice appointments than ever
- Challenges and opportunities for dentistry
- Communities supporting people to use the NHS app
- Get your flu and Covid-19 vaccination
- Derbyshire doctor's role in global patient safety
- Women asked how health services should be improved
- Mental health service map
- Dale the Duck visits Allied Health Professionals
We hope you enjoy reading about what is happening in our health and care system. If you would like to contribute an article or share your great work, please email ddicb.communications@nhs.net.
For more frequent updates, follow our social media channels.
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More GP practice appointments than ever, data shows
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GP practices in Derbyshire are providing tens of thousands more appointments for patients than five years ago, while patient satisfaction levels remain high, latest analysis has shown.
In August this year practices provided 519,000 appointments, an 11% increase compared to 467,000 in August 2019 – before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Of the appointments in August this year:
- 70% were face to face
- 21% were by phone
- 5% were online
- 41% were provided on the same day
The figures exclude Glossop, which was not in the Derbyshire system in 2019, to avoid distorting the comparison.
Detailed analysis of the results of the 2024 national GP patient survey has also been carried out by NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board.
Results are based on 12,570 completed questionnaires returned by randomly selected people who were asked to complete the survey.
The results showed that access to GP practice healthcare staff is a concern, but satisfaction with care received is high.
- 74% rated their overall experience of their GP practice as "good"
- 66% of people rated their experience of contacting their GP practice as "good", but 21% said it was "poor"
- 45% of patients found it easy to contact their practice by phone, 43% found it easy via the practice website and 41% found it easy via the NHS app
- 90% of patients felt their needs were met at their last appointment
- 92% of patients felt they were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment
- 93% of patients had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to
These figures are broadly similar to national and Midlands results.
Results from the GP patient survey are broken down by practice and can be viewed on the dedicated website.
Find out more about GP access by attending Derbyshire Dialogue on 11 December.
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Deputy chief executive visits dentists to explore NHS dental provision expansion
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The ICB's deputy chief executive Michelle Arrowsmith visited a Chesterfield dental practice to discuss the challenges and opportunities of expanding dental provision in Derbyshire.
On her visit to Glumangate Dental Practice, she talked with staff including dentist and practice owner Dr Rami Khatib, who has been carrying out NHS work since he qualified in 2005.
The practice has more than 4,000 NHS patients on their list and is currently closed to new patients.
There are currently 16 practices open to new patients in Derbyshire and despite efforts to attract more dentists to carry out NHS work, this is a challenge for Derbyshire in line with the rest of the country.
Michelle said: "There are some real challenges for those dentists running a dental practice which delivers NHS care. But with this comes opportunity and locally we are implementing the national dental recovery plan to help alleviate some of the issues."
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Volunteers supporting people onto the NHS app |
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Volunteers are supporting patients to take control of their healthcare by using the NHS app.
In Glossop and Tameside they are running popular drop-in events and follow up workshops in community venues and GP surgeries.
Using the app brings many benefits, says Emma Delany, digital health lead at The Bureau, a voluntary sector organisation in Glossop (pictured with volunteer Stuart Goodrick). These include:
· Patients can see test results and other information on their medical record
· Pressure on GP practice staff is relieved because patients use the app for things like prescriptions and appointment requests, rather than calling by phone or in person
Emma said: "Having the NHS app, or other apps, is empowering for patients, and the NHS app has got better in recent years as the functionality and integration has improved.
"People with long term conditions tend to use it to monitor their progress, or they might want to have it as a record to enable them to travel abroad with their medical records.
"Many people are just interested, or even excited, to see what is there."
The numbers of people referred to the Bureau for training and support have risen from 140 in 2021 to 1,500 in 2023.
Patients are sent text messages by their surgery inviting them to the NHS app drop in events.
They are then offered a follow up workshop if they need more time and space to access the app confidently and independently.
The events and workshops rely on the fantastic support of a team of 20 volunteer digital health champions, drawn from surgeries in the area.
Many people use the NHS app alongside apps that help to manage specific conditions, such as diabetes.
Emma said: "There is a perception that if you can get people signed up to an app then everything will be OK, but people often need a person-centred approach, where they are supported to use it alongside the information from their healthcare professional." |
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Hospice’s refurbishment is making good progress |
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Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield is refurbishing its day services centre, main reception, clinic rooms, and physio gym.
With work progressing well, the refreshed spaces are expected to be completed before Christmas.
This update to the Old Brampton hospice—untouched for over 20 years—will create a warmer, more welcoming environment for patients and those important to them.
The renovations will greatly enhance everyone’s experience, ensuring all who visit receive the highest standard of care and support.
Alongside new flooring, redecoration, and furnishings, the hospice will add an accessible toilet with a changing table and hoist, and divide the large day room into three separate spaces so multiple sessions can run at the same time.
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Flu and Covid-19 winter vaccination programme |
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Vulnerable and older people across Derby and Derbyshire, including people with some existing conditions, who are most at risk of getting ill this winter are getting their flu and Covid-19 vaccine.
You may have received a letter from your local GP practice inviting you to book in and vaccinations are also available at some local pharmacies.
Health and social care workers are also eligible for flu and Covid-19 vaccinations. If you are a health and social care worker, getting vaccinated protects you and your patients. If you cannot get a flu vaccine through your employer, you can get it at a pharmacy or your GP surgery if you’re employed:
- by a registered residential care or nursing home
- by a registered domiciliary care provider
- by a voluntary managed hospice provider
- through direct payments or personal health budget
Mandy Simpson, Associate Director Immunisation & Screening NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board said: "Getting my flu and Covid-19 vaccines ensures that I can keep my colleagues, friends and loved ones protected this winter. It's important that we take up the offer of vaccinations if we are eligible. Let's work together to ease the strain on our services this winter."
Read more |
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Derbyshire doctor's part in global patient safety charter |
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Worldwide guidance on patient safety is being implemented – with the support of a former GP from Derbyshire.
Dr Richard Fitton, who worked for 35 years at what is now Manor House Surgery in Hadfield, supported the World Health Organization in drawing up its Patient safety rights charter.
He moderated a group of 10 experts on the subject of patient access to medical records during a two day conference in Geneva in September 2023.
The text developed by the group formed one of 10 rights of patients contained in the WHO's charter, published in April this year.
Dr Fitton, aged 73, stepped down as a GP partner eight years ago, but he has continued with his passion for improving patient safety.
He said: "Many patient records have errors or omissions in them. That can lead to harm when a patient is treated, so it's really important that those errors are identified and corrected.
"The patients themselves are in the best position to do this because they will know what conditions they have and what treatments they are having."
Read more and read Dr Fitton's blog: Safety and outcomes improve when patients access their own health records. This is why it matters. |
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Women asked how health services should be improved |
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Women across Derby and Derbyshire are being asked to give their views and help contribute towards improved health services.
NHS Derby and Derbyshire has been allocated £595,000 funding to change the way services are provided – and health leaders want to hear women's views about what would make things better.
A survey is to be launched in the coming days for any woman across the county, asking questions about:
- experiences of accessing services for women's health issues
- understanding and knowledge about women's health
- information around women’s health, including screening
- communication preferences
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Have your say on stroke rehabilitation services |
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People across Derby and Derbyshire are being invited to have their say over services that help with recovery from a stroke.
Services are currently different, depending on where you live.
Additionally, services are very busy and demand is growing. There has been a 6% increase in stroke admissions to Derbyshire hospitals since 2021/22.
Rehabilitation can help stroke survivors live well and reduce subsequent hospital visits, but services in Derbyshire are mixed.
NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board has begun a “pre-engagement” listening exercise to hear the views of people affected by stroke, as well as their carers, families and friends.
John Hinchcliffe, aged 81, from Dronfield, had strokes in 2021 and 2023.
He said: “I had a very good experience of rehabilitation and I want to help ensure that all future stroke patients in Derbyshire have that good experience too."
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People across Derby and Derbyshire are being invited to have their say over the way fertility treatments are provided in the East Midlands.
A series of workshops are to take place between December and January. There is also the opportunity to feedback via a survey.
Anyone across Derby and Derbyshire is invited to take part.
They will be asked for their thoughts on a proposed policy which outlines access to fertility treatments. Currently, there are differences in the way people can access fertility treatments across the East Midlands.
The aim of this work is to review how people currently access fertility treatments in each area and to create one equitable policy for the whole of the East Midlands.
Read more |
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Change NHS: a health service fit for the future
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NHS staff are working harder than ever to get services back on track, to get waiting lists down and consistently deliver the best care.
We want to have the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS.
Please contribute your views, whether as a member of the public, or as someone who works in the system.
Whether you have a little to say or a lot, your views, experiences and ideas will shape immediate steps and long-term changes: a new 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS.
This is a once in a generation opportunity to set the NHS on a path for the future.
Go to change.nhs.uk to find out how you can take part. |
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Life on the line? Call 999
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This winter, staff, volunteers and patients helped by East Midlands Ambulance Service are asking the public and our partners to only call 999 when life is on the line.
It is imperative ambulances are available for those who need the service's the life-saving people and equipment.
Those with life-threatening conditions should call 999, while those with urgent care needs access more appropriate services, including self-care advice, pharmacies, NHS 111, their GP or urgent treatment centres.
This may also include patients who need to attend an emergency department, but could safely make their own way without intervention from an ambulance.
Through its social media East Midlands Ambulance Service is sharing staff, volunteer and patient voices reminding everyone to only call 999 when life is on the line.
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Updated mental health support map launched
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A map that shows mental health support in the community in Derbyshire has been revised.
The Community Mental Health Support Map Derbyshire has been updated with the latest service information by Zuzana Kloudová for the Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service.
The map shows the most up to date information on mental health services and support that is available across Derby and Derbyshire.
The web-based resource provides a location with contact information and a short description of each service simply by magnifying and hovering over each entry.
The aim is to bring all aspects of mental and wellbeing support in one place, covering different services such as:
- suicide prevention and crisis support
- bereavement support
- mental health and well-being sessions
- peer support groups
- ethnic minorities support
- young person support
- nature, sport & outdoor activities,
- LGBTQI+ support
This project has been led and developed for the past six years by Mark Hudson, who is a group development worker at Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service.
The updates have been made by Zuzana, who is an intern from the University of Derby and works closely with Mark and the team.
The map launched in 2018 and since then it has had over 190,000 views, with over 9,000 views per month.
You find further information by emailing DerbyshireRecoveryPeerSupportService@rethink.org, calling 01773 734989 or visiting the office at The Croft, Slack Lane, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3HF between 9.00 am to 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday. |
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Dale the Duck visits colleagues on national AHP day |
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Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) at University Hospitals Derby and Burton recently got together to celebrate AHPs Day.
AHPs are the third largest workforce within health and care, including roles such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and radiographers.
AHPs Day is aimed at raising awareness of these roles among colleagues and members of the community, and inspiring future talent.
AHP colleagues at Queen’s Hospital in Burton and the Royal Derby Hospital were joined by passers-by and by Dale the Duck.
Dale the Duck is the mascot of a Joined Up Careers Team social media campaign on TikTok.
This campaign aims to raise awareness of the variety of roles in health and care among the younger generation, as well as showcasing Derby and Derbyshire as a great place to live and work. |
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New video induction launched |
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A new video induction for all staff who work in health and social care in Derby and Derbyshire has been launched.
The two simple animated videos introduce new colleagues to the fact they are now working for the Joined Up Care Derbyshire integrated care system – as well as their organisational employer.
The videos complement the induction programmes of employing organisations, whether that is a hospital trust, GP practice, social care provider, voluntary and community sector organisation or a local authority.
They are also a good introduction to the integrated care system for anyone who works in the system already, regardless of how many years they have been in their job.
Watch the first video, with Chris Clayton from NHS Derby and Derbyshire and Michelle Bateman from Derbyshire Community Health Services.
The second video gives an example of how the integrated care system works with Ian Lawrence of Team Up and Lee Radford from NHS Derby and Derbyshire. |
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Joined Up Careers Newsletter |
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Visit the Joined Up Careers website to read more news from the Joined Up Careers Derbyshire team, including:
- Healthcare Support Worker Awards 2024
- Partnership with East Midlands Combined County Authority broadcasts to thousands
- Virtual work experience platform update
- Volunteer Passport course
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Derbyshire Dialogue is an opportunity for our local residents to discuss what matters most to them about health and care services, what's working well, and what we can improve.
Improving Pain Management – This session on 11 September showcased how we are delivering improvements in how we support people in our communities to live well with chronic or persistent pain.
Urgent and Emergency Care System – this presentation gave an overview of the Urgent and Emergency Care Services that are available, and showcased how we are working to deliver improvements in how we support people in our communities in accessing urgent care services more effectively, in the right place and at the right time. See the meeting recording via our website.
11 December: GP Access - This session will cover how many GPs we have, how many appointments they offer, and why getting a GP appointment can sometimes be difficult. We will discuss how we are implementing the national plan to improve access to a GPs, and what we are doing locally. There will be time for questions, and it will be presented by Clive Newman, Director of Primary Care for Derby and Derbyshire ICB.
Book your place and find details on upcoming sessions on the Derbyshire Dialogue page.
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Public and Patient Insight Library latest reports |
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The Insight Library is our local source of patient and public insight gathered across Derbyshire health, care, statutory and voluntary organisations. You can search reports by theme, service type, district, and several other categories.
It is open to a wide variety of professionals to help share reports and learning across the system and inform decision-making. Recent reports include:
Better End of Life 2024: Time to care – this report, funded by Marie Curie, tells us the number of people who who need palliative and end of life care is increasing steeply, yet there is an important gap in our understanding of the outcomes and experiences of people affected by dying, death, and bereavement at a national level.
All reports entered in the library are tagged so that they can be sorted by theme, service type, district, and several other categories. It is also now easier than ever to submit reports to be added to the library via our online form.
Submit reports via our online form or ddicb.engagement@nhs.net. Please ensure you provide permission for us to share the report, as well as details such as the publish date and author name(s).
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If you have any feedback, or questions, please email us at: ddicb.communications@nhs.net.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the contents of this bulletin are accurate and up-to-date NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board do not accept any responsibility of any omission or inaccuracy as it is not deliberate. Nevertheless, we will appreciate provision of accurate information to improve our work. Where links are provided to external content, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board holds no responsibility for such content or accuracy.
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Joined Up Care Derbyshire
NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, The Council House, First Floor, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS
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