Meet the Digital Team
Committed to enhancing patient care and operational efficiency, the Digital Team uses digital solutions to streamline processes, improve accessibility, and drive positive outcomes across the healthcare system in Derby and Derbyshire.

Jim Austin
I joined the Derbyshire NHS system in April 2015, following a year-long induction through the NHS executive fast track programme, attached to Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. I am Chief Digital and Technology Officer for the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, and also the Chief Information and Transformation Officer for Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT. I am a fellow of the British Computer Society (the charted institute for IT) and have completed an MSc in digital health leadership.

Andrew Fearn
I’m proud to have worked in the NHS for over 36 years; predominantly in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire. For 20 of those years, I was the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) for Nottingham University Hospital (NUH). Whilst at NUH, I set up EMRAD – the East Midlands Radiology Imaging Network; a collaboration of the 8 NHS Acute Trusts providing imaging across a 5.5m population. (I still chair the EMRAD Board.) For the last 3 years, I’ve worked at Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICB as their Chief Digital Officer; and have recently joined the team in Derby & Derbyshire to create the first joint role (as CDO) across the two Systems. The opportunities for further collaboration are truly exciting. I love technology; but the NHS for me is all about the people we serve – our patients, our staff and our population. My work with EMRAD has earned me an Honorary Fellowship in the Royal College of Radiologists.

Dawn Atkinson
I’ve worked in the NHS for over 35 years in operational and strategic roles supporting clinical services, strategic development, assurance, and performance management. I’m committed to delivering the best possible care for patients and excited to be part of the Digital Programme to support digitally enabled services.

Mark Parry
I worked in the private sector for many years before moving to the NHS. Working in healthcare for over 20 years as a clinician, and various other roles in Secondary Care, Primary Care and Mental Health, I have a passion for digital enablement and have been in the JUCD digital transformation team for the last 12 months.

Melissa Deighton (Mel)
I’ve worked in the NHS for over 30 years in a variety of roles in both Acute and Community care and have led a number of services over that time. 14 years ago I moved to my dream job in Transformation, helping to improve care for our staff and patients, and moved to digital transformation 2 years ago. As a non technical person, I hope I can help bridge the gap between complex IT solutions and embedding technology in to practice.

Holly Lynas
I’ve worked within the NHS for over 13 years in various roles and areas, in both clinical and non-clinical settings. I feel very passionate about our work on digital enablement and have been with the JUCD digital transformation team for the last 12 months.

Jane Clarke
I have over 30 years of NHS experience, including Primary Care, Pharmacy, Acute and Community roles. I have been in various project environments over the last 15 years and I have been working with JUCD for just over 12 months. I believe that information saves lives and I am proud to be working towards the digital collaboration between health and social care, where vital information is available at the point of care.

Jane Owens
Jane Owens Transformation and Implementation Lead. I have worked both for the NHS and externally for IT suppliers providing systems to the NHS for 20+ years. I have a background as a Senior Manager working with implementing and developing IT software in Mental Health, Primary Care and Acute Care. I have experience across healthcare systems with the implementation of Shared Care Records for Health and Social Care.

Charles Frakes
I am the Privacy Officer and Business As Usual Lead for the Derbyshire Shared Care Record. My role is to support citizens with understanding the value of sharing information for direct care, and supporting partners across Derbyshire to share information safely and effectively.
Stacie Wilson
I have 18 years’ experience of working within the NHS and I have been part of the JUCD Digital Team for the last 12 months. To name but a few roles, I have been a GP surgery Receptionist, an Acute Trust Bed Manager and the Service Manager for Critical Care, Endoscopy and Pain Services. This expansive, hands-on experience sparked my passion for digital transformation, and I am currently working towards a Masters degree in Technological Solutions and Data Analytics.