Our Projects
Welcome to the digital hub of Joined Up Care Derbyshire, where innovation meets healthcare to transform the lives of our community. Our projects are at the forefront of digitising healthcare processes, enhancing data sharing across various sectors, and integrating technology to improve patient outcomes in Derbyshire. Dive into our diverse range of initiatives.
View the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Digital and Data Strategy
View the Digital and Data Governance Structure

Digitising Medical Examiners Referrals
Contact: mark.parry5@nhs.net
The Medical Examiner System was added as a statutory requirement via the Health and Care Act 2022. Derbyshire wanted to meet the April 2024 deadline and has embarked on digitising the referral process through TPP SystmOne and EMIS for both the North and South of the region. The remit also includes border practices. The project is to build, test and implement the eReferral process for the Medical Examiners offices through the Derbyshire Pathfinder system and other referral pathways for EMIS and TPP. The project will improve efficiencies for the families when caring for their loved ones.

Sharing eObs data for Cardiovascular Disease
Contact: mark.parry5@nhs.net
Chesterfield Royal Hospital (CRH) records a lot of electronic observations of their cardiovascular patients. The CRH team want to share this data with colleagues in primary care; the intention being to reduce unnecessary follow up appointments whist at the same time improve targeted patient care. Furthermore, the data will help with conditions like Hypertension and support Primary Care in improved monitoring and care, reducing the risk of stroke and other related conditions. This in turn is intended to reduce hospital admissions and improve patient outcomes. The project is looking at how to share the data, what system(s) it would work in best and how the primary care can access the data for the benefit of the patient.

Managing Aging Well Team Data between organisations
Contact: mark.parry5@nhs.net
Over the recent years since the formation of PCN’s, there is more now than ever a need to work as integrated teams, the need to share data between clinicians and between organisations has grown at a rapid rate. The systems the clinicians rely on have not necessarily kept up with these changes. This project is looking at the gaps between the sharing of data for the clinical teams and organisations, specifically within the Aging Well programme. The projects brief is to reduce the disparities in data of referred patients to clinicians from various sources such as 999, 111, PCN’s etc., this is to include Care Homes and other Primary Care organisations. This will ultimately improve patient care and the patient’s clinical management.

Digitising Social Care (DISC)
Contact: melissa.deighton@nhs.net
This is an NHSEngland backed project to support all Adult social care providers to get support and funding towards a digital care record system. This system will help providers be more effective and avoid duplication – we’ve already seen people save 20 mins per carer per day / over 2 hours per carer per week, whilst improving the quality of their records and all but eliminating the need for record audits. Other funding is available for us to evaluate a range of tech products to help in other areas of life too – like reducing the impact of falls, reminder and prompt devices, and devices to spot deterioration.

Digital Inclusion
Contact: melissa.deighton@nhs.net
More and more services are turning to digital technology to help them deliver safe and effective care, and the care technology market continues to expand rapidly. However, we know that some people don’t have the skills, technology or infrastructure to join this tech movement. Our aim is to support people to get the confidence and skills to adopt appropriate technology if they wish to and to support wider efforts to reduce digital exclusion in Derbyshire.

Derbyshire Shared Care Record
Contact: jane.owens4@nhs.net
The Derbyshire Shared Care Record (DSCR) is a system created to display a holistic view of a citizens record by combining information from local health and social care into one. This allows health and social care colleagues to more efficiently transfer relevant information that supports the direct care of the citizens of Derbyshire

ICS Digital Lead for Virtual Wards
Contact: Stacie.wilson@nhs.net
A virtual ward is defined by NHSE as a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care which is enabled by technology. Organisations across Derby and Derbyshire have launched several virtual wards to care for patients who are well enough to be managed, monitored and treated at home. Virtual wards across Derby and Derbyshire ICS are supported by Doccla, a remote monitoring platform that enables clinicians to view and act upon observations submitted by patients. This programme of work has already had a positive impact on many of our patients and we continue to seek to progress, improve and expand our Virtual Wards across Derby and Derbyshire.

ICS Lead for the Implementation of the Optica System
Contact: Stacie.wilson@nhs.net
Optica is a real-time end-to-end patient tracking tool for local health and social care systems that enables the multi-disciplinary team to triage individual patients through different stages of their discharge process. Once implemented, this system will support the Integrated Care System to minimise delays to patients being discharged from hospital.