Stay well this winter

There are many things to celebrate during the festive season – seeing family and friends and celebrating.

However, Christmas can also be an incredibly busy and sometimes overwhelming time.

With that in mind, below are five things to consider to help you stay well this winter and hopefully take some of the stress away

Keeping warm

Keeping warm over the winter months can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. Your home should be at a temperature that’s comfortable for you. This is particularly important if you have a health condition. It is recommended that rooms you regularly use should be at least 18°C. It’s also best to keep your bedroom windows closed at night to maintain the temperature.

Support with the cost of living
Staying warm has become an increasing concern all over the UK with the cost of living being at an all-time high. There is support available, so please don’t suffer in silence. Derbyshire County Council have given grants to communities to support ‘warm spaces’ with the aim of  providing a warm refuge for residents and their families struggling to heat their homes. See if there is a venue near you. Community Action Derby also provide support and information for a range of cost-of-living related issues people may face over the next few months.

Find out more about ways to save energy in your home from GOV.UK, or call the government helpline on 0800 444 202.

You can also find out more from GOV.UK about benefits and financial support if you’re on a low income.

Staying hydrated

We all know it’s important to drink enough water. And while the cooler months may make it seem like it’s not an issue, it’s just as easy to become dehydrated in the winter as it is during the summer.

Your nose and throat have barriers that are constantly blocking viruses and bacteria from entering your body. However, these barriers can dry out and be less effective if you don’t stay hydrated.

Ensuring you drink plenty of fluids can also help flush out and harmful waste and keep you healthy. If possible, avoid alcohol, tea and coffee, and go for herbal teas, green tea or water instead.

Staying hydrated also helps to give the immune system a boost, regulates body temperature, increases metabolism, keeps skin looking healthy, and helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

The HANDi App – free mobile app offering advice on common childhood illnesses

Parents, carers and healthcare professionals can access expert advice about common childhood illnesses and how to treat them via a mobile app, called HANDi App. It is free and can be downloaded to any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet. The App aims to give parents and carers more confidence in dealing with minor conditions at home such as; diarrhoea and vomiting, high temperature, chestiness, newborn problems and stomach pain.

The HANDi App is easy to use as it takes the user through a series of questions about the symptoms their child is experiencing and then advises on the best course of action, whether that’s to treat at home, make a GP appointment or to go to A&E.

Making the most of your local pharmacy

Pharmacies are a great community resource and can help support you and your family when you are feeling unwell.

You can seek advice on many common illnesses at your local pharmacy. Pharmacists and their teams are trained to offer health advice including which medications will help or treat your symptoms and advise you on when to see a doctor if needed.  Items bought from the pharmacy are usually cheaper than a prescription from your GP Practice.

Many pharmacies are also open late into the evening and over the weekends, allowing you to walk in and ask for advice at a time convenient for you and without the need for an appointment.

Useful links:

NHS Articles/Resources: How to stay well in winter – NHS (

Self Care Article on JUCD website: Self-Care Week (14-20 November 2022) | Your Time Matters » Joined Up Care Derbyshire