Deputy Chief Executive goes ‘back to the floor’ with Ashbourne Ambulance Crew

The ICB’s Deputy Chief Executive Michelle Arrowsmith went ‘back to the floor’ this week joining the Ashbourne ambulance crew for an eight-hour shift, experiencing life on the frontline.

Michelle’s visit kicked off at 6.30am with the team who checked over the ambulance vehicle, equipment and medication before starting their day.

She went on to be part of a range of conveyances to hospital including two children and older adults who all needed emergency care.

The visit to East Midlands Ambulance Service is helping her consider what is working well for the emergency response teams and what could be practically improved.

It’s part of a range of visits to local services the ICB executives are carrying out to help inform decision making.

Michelle said: “It was a busy day – the first job came in 5 minutes after we were ready to go.

“The team were incredible, it struck me how hard it is to drive an ambulance on blue lights and sirens, but the crew were very impressive. Their teamwork was very smooth and they worked together seamlessly on the jobs taking it in turn to take the lead.”

Michelle noted that one gap which created challenge was confusion around alternative services and the issues this presented for GPs and crews.

“When someone needs to go to hospital urgently, can’t get there themselves, but isn’t an emergency, the pathways are not simple.”

The patients she saw during the day included a child who had become unwell with a complex condition, a child with asthma not responding to treatment and older adults needing urgent care.

Other challenges included technology which did not always work seamlessly as well as the opportunities for the local NHS estate.

Michelle added: “It was extremely helpful to be able to spend several hours with the ambulance crew, see their day and understand in much more practical detail what’s working well and what would make services and working practice better. We’re so grateful for the incredible work they do every day.”