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Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. This page includes information about the annual health checks for people with learning disabilities, and their family/carers, and for professionals to help them provide high quality health checks.

General information

The NHS England website has information on annual healthchecks. This includes information on who’s eligibile, how it will help, how to get an appointment, and what happens during the health check.

The Mencap website has a range of information to ensure people do not miss out on their annual health check. This includes videos and accessible, easy read information.

The NHS (in Surrey) has produced a template to help complete a health action plan.

Information for health professionals

Derbyshire Healthcare has a website section dedicated to supporting general practitioners (GPs) in delivering annual health checks to people with learning disabilities.

Derbyshire Healthcare has produced guidance on their website on developing a health action plan with patients.

The Department of Health has produced good practice guidance on health action planning and health facilitation for people with learning disabilities.

Learning Disability Today has produced updated information and guidance on annual health checks.

Awareness videos

NHS in Derbyshire has commissioned this awareness video about annual health checks for people with learning disabilities.

The Misfits Theatre Company has produced ‘Health is everybody’s responsibility‘ to raise awareness about annual health checks and explaining what is involved. 

Mencap has produced Rebecca’s story, which explains family/carer involvement in developing a health action plan.

The My Health Vision YouTube channel has produced a video on the ‘Annual health check‘ detailing what is involved.

The NHS (in London) has produced ‘Why health checks are important for people with learning disabilities‘ to explain how health checks work.

The NHS (in Leeds) has produced Annual health checks for people with learning disabilities, aimed at increasing the uptake of the health checks.

The NHS (in Kent) has produced A guide to your learning disability health check to explain what happens at the health check.

The NHS (in Warwickshire) has produced A guide to annual health checks, which explains the process of checking in at the doctors, checking up on your health, and checking out with a health action plan.

Last Updated: Thursday 20th June 2024 - 11:20:am

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