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Home > Integrated Care System > Campaigns > Violence, aggression and discrimination

NHS Violence, Aggression & Discrimination Campaign

The system has resolved to develop a unified zero tolerance policy to manage instances of violence, aggression, and discrimination. This will be supported by appropriate security advice, training, and public messaging to ensure staff are fully equipped to manage, escalate, and seek support for instances of violence, aggression, and discrimination.

Communications campaign

The CCG and Local Medical Committee (LMC) have been working collaboratively to develop an appropriate campaign to challenge this behaviour and is launching a new campaign to support you.

Please download the folder and use the different elements within your practice reception areas, plasma screens, telephone systems, websites and on social media.

How to use use these materials

BMA guidance on handling abuse of practice staff on social media 



Digital graphics

These are ideal for website and social media

What abuse means

Abuse will not be tolerated

What abuse means to our staff

Plasma screen images

Telephone system MP4 audio message

Email signatures

Last Updated: Tuesday 28th June 2022 - 8:51:am

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