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There is increasing evidence of the impacts of climate change upon the environment and human health. The UK’s Climate Change Act 2008 sets a national target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The NHS has acknowledged its responsibility in this agenda and has committed to achieving a net-zero health service by 2045.

As part of this commitment, NHS England has made it mandatory for all Trusts and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to produce a board-approved Green Plan which establishes a sustainability strategy for the next three years.

This Green Plan is our response to this call, establishing the system-level strategy for sustainability at Joined Up Care Derbyshire ICS. Firstly, it presents our regional-level carbon footprint data and outlines our commitment to sustainability. Then it summarises our organisation-level Green Plans, including our carbon hotspots and the sustainability strategies employed to address them.

Lastly, we present a total of 11 interventions through which the strategies and priorities of Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) will be coordinated and integrated. A separate document outlines the ways and timescales by which our organisations will be held to account over reducing carbon emissions and making progress on net-zero.

Organisations across the Derbyshire ICP stand ready to tackle the causes of climate change and are collectively committed to improving our sustainability credentials. This Green Plan provides the framework and pathway to embed sustainability at an ICS level and delivering these partnership actions, alongside individual organisational commitments, must be a shared priority.


Last Updated: Thursday 12th January 2023 - 3:51:pm

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