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South Derbyshire

We are proud to have a vibrant, lively, and inclusive Place Alliance. Our representation is broad and encompasses the interests of the population of South Derbyshire, as we’ve built and expanded upon strong existing local strategic partnerships. The community at large, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital, and voluntary services in local our area are all working together.  

Our Place can evidence how they have been gaining traction at scale, across all members’ organisations on agreed and shared goals.  We are courageous and collaborative. South Derbyshire Place benefits from a group with demonstrable resilience, able to respond to the challenges posed by Covid 19 and reap successes, in the joint community work undertaken. This is especially important as within our area we face some of the highest levels of deprivation within the county and of the greatest concentration too.

The total population within the footprint of the South Derbyshire Place Alliance is 53,669, 49.9 % of whom are males and 50.1% females. Of those resident figures show that 16.9% of the Alliance population are now aged 65 years or over and 6.8% are aged 75 years or over; those over the age of 85 years make up 1.9% of the total.  Therefore, we have an ageing population, in common with other Places in general. However, expert population projections for South Derbyshire suggests that we will see an estimated 86% increase in over 65-year-olds by 2039. This will have an effect on the health economy of our area. 

One of the key aims for JUCD is to Live Well, for Longer.  This ageing population presents a challenge to our community and one that the Alliance seeks to tackle collaboratively.  Our PCN, made up from 5 GPs surgeries have designed a Home Visiting Service responding to the needs of housebound residents, many of whom are older, living at home and experiencing ill-health. Piloting this first to learn what works well, before implementing this more fully. We are all rising to the challenges to be faced together.

Last Updated: Monday 8th August 2022 - 11:17:am

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