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Host commissioner

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NHS Derby and Derbyshire is required to have assurances and maintain effective quality surveillance of all independent hospitals within our geographical boundaries. 

Host commissioner guidance relates specifically to maintaining oversight of the quality of care for people with a diagnosis of learning disability and/or autism. However, within Derbyshire we have extended this oversight beyond national guidance to also incorporate the care of people who have a mental health diagnosis admitted to independent hospitals in our area. We also work closely with other host commissioners when we have placed people outside of Derbyshire.

There are eight independent hospitals in Derby/Derbyshire that are caring for people who may have been placed by many different NHS Integrated Care Boards into our local area.

You can access national host commissioner guidance on the NHS England website.

You can contact us as host commissioner at the following email address   


Our role as host commissioner

  • Maintain surveillance and oversight of the quality of care at our local independent hospitals.
  • Be the point of contact to commissioners placing in our area.
  • To be a point of contact and support for independent hospital providers located in our area.
  • Ensure a coordinated response is in place across other commissioners, the local authority and regulator to effectively respond to concerns and support quality improvement within independent hospitals.
  • To triangulate information across placing commissioners and stakeholders to inform the level of our oversight and whether this is enhanced.
  • Ensure that we never request or accept patient identifiable information because this sits outside of our remit and is held by a person’s local commissioner funding care.

National guidance expects other commissioners placing in our area to:

  • Talk to us prior to admitting a person into Derby and Derbyshire.
  • Retain oversight for the clinical care of people you place in our area and ensure your contingency plans are robust and able to support independent hospitals to respond to crisis.
  • Talk to us about any quality or governance concerns you identify within independent hospitals.
  • Collaborate with us where concerns are identified to ensure a unified and supportive approach across placing commissioners to support independent hospitals to maintain quality, mitigate risk and resolve concerns.     

Reporting safeguarding concerns

We work very closely with our local authority safeguarding leads to share intelligence about any allegations of abuse or neglect. Should you have any safeguarding concerns or wish to make a safeguarding referral it will be your responsibility as placing commissioner to contact the relevant local authority. Derby and Derbyshire safeguarding teams will also contact you directly should a local safeguarding concern be raised that involves the person you have placed in Derbyshire. 

For any safeguarding concerns about an independent hospital in Derby City please contact Derby City Adult Social Care Safeguarding Adults Team:

For any safeguarding concerns about an independent hospital in Derbyshire County please contact Call Derbyshire on:

  • Telephone: 01629 533190 
  • Email:
  • You can read about how to make a safeguarding referral by visiting the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults website.  


How to tell us about a concern

It is important that commissioners placing in Derbyshire talk to us about any quality or governance concerns they may identify. This will help us triangulate information and also address any identified concerns as host commissioner. We also encourage our independent providers to talk to us about concerns that arise.  

You can tell us about a concern by completing the following alert form.

Derbyshire Independent Hospitals locations 

Elysium: The Limes

Elysium: Field House

Cygnet: Acer Clinic (Upper and Lower House)

Cygnet: Storthfield House

Cygnet: The Views

Cygnet: Manor

Cygnet: Derby

Patient Choice and Provider Accreditation

In January 2024, the National Health Service Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012 (‘Standing Rules’) were amended to include a formal accreditation process for providers seeking to be awarded an NHS Standard Contract by ICBs for services to which patient choice applies.

The information presented below, describes the process that a Provider must follow for their expression of interest to be formally registered and reviewed by Derby and Derbyshire ICB (DDICB) – ultimately to inform a decision as to whether the Provider is accredited and thus awarded an NHS Standard Contract by DDICB.

Stage 1:

All interested providers should register their request for accreditation via the dedicated Choice Services Accreditation Inbox:

A copy of the local terms and conditions applicable to the service concerned, along with a copy of the Provider Accreditation Assessment Pack for completion will be shared with the provider.

The Provider Accreditation Assessment Pack will cover:

  • General Information
  • Qualification Criteria
  • NHS Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
  • Local Terms and Conditions – Service Specific
  • Technical Questions – Service Specific

Stage 2:

Providers should submit their completed assessment pack and the ICB will then convene a panel, based on subject matter expertise, to undertake the assessment.

Upon concluding their assessment, the panel will generate a recommendation report to be taken through the ICBs governance processes.

Stage 3:

Following completion of the governance process, providers will be notified of the outcome (Qualified, Qualified with Conditions, Not Met).

Where the outcome is Qualified with/without conditions, an NHS Standard Contract is then to be agreed between the provider and ICB.

Once the completed Provider Accreditation Assessment Pack has been received, DDICB will endeavour to undertake the process and communicate the outcome within a period of six weeks.

Providers who wish to enter a process of accreditation for the delivery of choice services should make contact via in the first instance.

Please ensure full details of the proposed service(s) are provided to allow for initial assessment and confirmation the proposed service does fall within the scope of patient choice.


Last Updated: Thursday 5th December 2024 - 8:44:am

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