Claire Finn
Chief Financial Officer
Claire has worked in NHS finance for more than 20 years, after joining the NHS as a graduate trainee.
She joined as the ICB’s Chief Finance officer in November 2024 from University Hospitals Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust where she was interim chief finance officer.
Claire has also been Director of Finance at West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS trust and has carried out senior roles in commissioning, acute and specialist provider and regulatory organisations.
As Chief Financial Officer, Claire ensures that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) meets the financial targets set for it by NHS England, including living within the overall revenue and capital allocation, and the administration costs limit.
Claire is also the lead financial executive for the NHS system and works in partnership with lead finance officers in constituent organisations. This is to ensure that the Integrated Care System (ICS) delivers its financial targets and supports the development and delivery of the long-term plan of the ICB, integrating the strategies of all relevant partner organisations of the ICS, with a particular focus on developing a shared financial and resourcing strategy.