Dr Chris Weiner
Chief Medical Officer
Chris was employed by NHS England, and will lead on clinical strategy and clinical standards, including strategic planning for long term conditions.
As Medical Director, Chris supports the development and delivery of the long-term plan of the integrated care board (ICB). He is responsible for ensuring this reflects and integrates the strategies of all relevant partner organisations of the ICB, with a particular focus on developing a shared clinical strategy. Key responsibilities of the post will include:
- supporting the required ICB decision making from the perspective of medical, technological, scientific and research advice and evidence;
- supporting the ICB subcommittees providing a clinical and medical perspective; working alongside the Executive Director of Strategy & Planning (lead Officer) and the Director of Public Health to co-lead the development of the strategic Intent function of the ICB and ICP, specifically relating to
- Strategic Commissioning
- Health Protection
- Population Health & Clinical Strategy
- Clinical Standards, Improvement & Innovation and Learning & Development Confidential
- The Medical Director will specifically lead the Clinical Strategy & Clinical Standards elements including strategic Long Term Condition planning, supported through commissioning by the Executive Director of Strategy & Planning and other colleagues, and support of primary care development.