Dr Kathy McLean OBE
Dr Kathy McLean has decades of experience in clinical and system leadership in Derbyshire and nationally.
She was executive Medical Director at the former Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for over six years. Before that she was also a consultant physician at the trust from 1994 until 2009.
Dr McLean was the Medical Director at the former NHS Trust Development Authority for three years up to 2016 and prior to this she was the Clinical Transitions Director, helping to build the NHS Commissioning Board, which is now NHS England.
Her work has focused on improving quality by building clinical leadership and expertise across the system, supporting the most challenged organisations and leading change.
Dr McLean was chair of University Hospitals Derby and Burton until taking up her role with NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board. She was also a non-executive director at Barts Health and Barking Havering and Redbridge NHS Trusts.
Additionally she is chair of the NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership and she is chair of the NHS Confederation’s Integrated Care System Network board.