Tracy Allen
Chief Executive Officer, Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust
Tracy Allen is chief executive of Derbyshire Community Health Services. She was previously managing director, when the services operated as an autonomous provider within NHS Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust.
Tracy led the creation of Derbyshire Community Health Services and its establishment as an NHS community trust and in 2014 as a foundation trust.
In addition to her organisational responsibilities Tracy is a partner member of the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, the system accountable officer for digital transformation and the Integrated Care System’s NHS lead for Place Development.
During 2022/23 she was also an elected Trustee of NHS Providers, representing community Trusts and Foundation Trusts.
She was previously executive director of strategy and service improvement at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust, leading strategies which underpinned the organisation’s successful authorisation as an NHS Foundation Trust.
Tracy is an ex-NHS management trainee and has a wide range of operational and strategic management experience in NHS organisations.
Tracy is a participant member of the ICB Board through her role as Executive Lead for Place development.