FOI 1621 – Continuing Health Care
FOI Reference Number:
From the period 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021:
How many continuing healthcare assessments were completed?
Of these completed assessments how many were fast-tracked?
How many of these assessments resulted in funding being granted?
Finally, what settings was this funding provided for? e.g. residential care homes, nursing homes, visiting home care, and live-in care.
Date: 10 August 2022
Dear Sir / Madam,
FOI Reference Number: 1621
I refer to your email of 18 July 2022 requesting information in respect of continuing healthcare (CHC).
I can confirm on behalf of Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (DDICB), and in accordance with S.1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) that we do hold the information that you have requested. A response to each element of your request is detailed below.
Please note that we have identified the numbers in the figures below where information relates to Children and Young People (CYP),
From the period 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021:
1. How many continuing healthcare assessments were completed?
Clarification of Question 1: Yes I would like to know the number of full assessments completed for this period.
As per the clarification, the number of full assessments, where a DST (decision support tool) was completed, is 637.
Please note: 10 of these CHC assessments were received as CYP referrals (patient age <18 years old).
2. Of these completed assessments how many were fast-tracked?
Clarification of Question 2: I would like to know the number of fast-tracked referrals (separate to standard full assessments)
As per the clarification, the number of fast-tracked referrals that were received in this period is
3. How many of these assessments resulted in funding being granted?
CHC assessments: 325
FT referrals: 2,472
Note: Out of the 10 CYP CHC assessments completed, 8 resulted in funding
4. Finally, what settings was this funding provided for? e.g. residential care homes, nursing homes, visiting home care, and live-in care.
Please see letter response.
Please Note:
For the patients with funding in a Residential home, this is represented as Funded Nursing care (FNC) funding. We have identified these patients as such, to differentiate between the patients who are getting CHC funding, under Nursing Homes .
For the 8 CYP CHC assessments that resulted in funding, this was provided under home care.
I hope that this answers your queries with the information we currently hold, but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB
FOI Team
Nightingale Close
S41 7PF
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, email
Yours faithfully,
Kathryn Jacklin
FOI Officer
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
All information we have provided is subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. Accordingly, if the information has been made available for re-use under the Open Government Licence (OGL) a request to re-use is not required, but the licence conditions must be met. You must not re-use any previously unreleased information without having the consent from the ICB. Should you wish to re-use previously unreleased information then you must make your request in writing (email will suffice) to the FOI Lead via All requests for re-use will be responded to within 20 working days of receipt.