FOI 1676 – Personal Health Budgets and Contact Details
FOI Reference Number:
Are you partnering with any other private or public sector organisations to deliver your Personal Health Budgets (PHBs)? If so, please provide the names of those organisations and a summary of the services they provide?
Who is responsible for the delivery of the PHB targets and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
Who is responsible for the delivery of the Continuing Healthcare programme and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
Who is the Personalised Care or Personalisation Lead/Personalised Care Operations Lead at the ICB and what are their contact details ((name, email and phone number)?
Who is the Integrated Care Lead at the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
Who is responsible for the digital transformation within the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
Who is the current Director of Finance within the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
How many people in your ICB have been awarded a Continuing Healthcare budget and how many of these have taken up a PHB?
What was total annual spend on PHBs for your ICB and how does that spend break down by Direct Payment, 3rd party managed and notional budgets?
What software, if any, is used to manage PHBs and direct payments in your ICB?
What is the total annual cost for this software and what licensing model is used, e.g., X% of budget/per user/fixed cost
When is the contract for the PHB software up for renewal?
If not in use already, are you considering digital automated services to assist with the delivery of services and budget management of your PHBs, personal budgets, direct payments and integrated personal budgets?
Do you use a Direct Payment Support Service (DPSS) to assist direct payment recipients and if so, please provide details of who this is?
Is the DPSS a contracted service and if so when does that contract expire?
What is the annual cost of the DPSS?
Date: 10 October 2022
Dear Sir / Madam,
FOI Reference Number: 1676
1. Are you partnering with any other private or public sector organisations to deliver your Personal Health Budgets (PHBs)? If so, please provide the names of those organisations and a summary of the services they provide?
2. Who is responsible for the delivery of the PHB targets and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
We have a personalisation work stream within the Joined Up Care Derbyshire STP. It is this group that will manage the responsibility for PHB targets. The ICB lead for PHBs in Nicola MacPhail, Assistant Director of Quality. Email or telephone number 01332 868730.
3. Who is responsible for the delivery of the Continuing Healthcare programme and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
The ICB commissions Midland and Lancashire CSU to provide our Continuing Healthcare (CHC) service. Within the ICB the executive lead for CHC is Brigid Stacey, Chief Nursing Officer. Email or telephone number 01332 868730.
4. Who is the Personalised Care or Personalisation Lead/Personalised Care Operations Lead at the ICB and what are their contact details ((name, email and phone number)?
Nicola MacPhail, Assistant Director of Quality (CHC, Care Homes, End of Life & Personalisation). Email or telephone number 01332 868730.
5. Who is the Integrated Care Lead at the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
We currently have no specific lead for Integrated Care.
6. Who is responsible for the digital transformation within the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
The lead for digital transformation is Ged Connolly-Thompson, Head of Digital Development. Email or telephone number 01332 868730.
7. Who is the current Director of Finance within the ICB and what are their contact details (name, email and phone number)?
The ICB’s Director of Finance is Keith Griffiths, Chief Finance Officer. Email or telephone number 01332 868730.
8. How many people in your ICB have been awarded a Continuing Healthcare budget and how many of these have taken up a PHB?
We have implemented PHB by default for all individuals who are assessed as being eligible for CHC funding who have a care package in place at home.
Fully funded CHC patients:
• 667 Adult
• 47 Children and Younger Persons
• Total 714 patients
• 200 Adult
• 15 Children and Younger Persons
• Total 215 CHC PHBs
Please Note: Continuing Healthcare funding figures for this FOI includes Adults and CYP (Children and younger persons), and does not include FNC (Funded Nursing Care), Fast Track or cases where the funding is split between health and social services (Joint Funding). It therefore just represents fully funded cases, where health (the CCG) funds 100% of the care package.
9. What was total annual spend on PHBs for your ICB and how does that spend break down by Direct Payment, 3rd party managed and notional budgets?
The expenditure figures are provided by NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board/Joined Up Care Derbyshire. Due to how they record the figures they are unable to breakdown into the various PHB types (Direct payment, 3rd party and Notional).
The latest figures available are those for the financial year 2021/22:
2021/22 funding in £’000
PHBs Fully Funded: 14,674
Joint Funded: 269
Children: 318
TOTAL: 15,261
10. What software, if any, is used to manage PHBs and direct payments in your ICB?
No software is used to manage the PHBs.
11. What is the total annual cost for this software and what licensing model is used, e.g., X% of budget/per user/fixed cost
Not applicable.
12. When is the contract for the PHB software up for renewal?
Not applicable.
13. If not in use already, are you considering digital automated services to assist with the delivery of services and budget management of your PHBs, personal budgets, direct payments and integrated personal budgets?
This is not currently being considered.
14. Do you use a Direct Payment Support Service (DPSS) to assist direct payment recipients and if so, please provide details of who this is?
Yes: SMARTPAYE, Disability Direct, Pay-Packet, Penderels and SOLO.
15. Is the DPSS a contracted service and if so when does that contract expire?
16. What is the annual cost of the DPSS?
Not applicable.
I hope that this answers your queries with the information we currently hold, but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB
FOI Team
Nightingale Close
S41 7PF
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, email
Yours faithfully,
Kathryn Jacklin
FOI Officer
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
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