FOI 1699 – Digital Transformation and Tools
FOI Reference Number:
1) What IT systems and/or digital tools does your ICS use to enable frictionless movement of staff across your ICS to allow flexible and remote working? Please state if your ICS does not currently enable this.
2) Which suppliers provide the digital communication tools that are used across the ICS to enable self-service pathways such as self-triage, referral, condition management and advice and guidance? Please state if your ICS does not currently provide some or all such digital communication tools.
3) Do your ICS-wide clinical systems meet clinical safety standards as set out by DTAC and DCB0129 and DCB0160?
4) Does your ICS have a population health management system that has a fully linked, longitudinal dataset with primary, secondary, mental health, social care and community data? If yes, please state the name of the supplier of this system.
5) Do all your ICS-wide digital transformation projects, programmes and services meet the Technology Code of Practice?
6) Does your ICS have a shared care record that adheres to Professional Records Standard Body’s Core Information Standard? Please can you also state the supplier of this shared care record, even if it does not currently adhere to the PRSB standard?
Date: 30 November 2022
Dear Sir / Madam,
FOI Reference Number: 1699
1) What IT systems and/or digital tools does your ICS use to enable frictionless movement of staff across your ICS to allow flexible and remote working? Please state if your ICS does not currently enable this.
The ICS is made up of a number of providers from health and social care as well as the DDICB core function. Each of the constituent ICS partners provides capability and solutions that enable flexible and remote working through secure networks, virtual private networks and over mobile infrastructure. The constituent providers also provide a federated wifi network that allows partners to easily access their individually procured systems (eg email, clinical systems, MS Teams) over a shared infrastructure.
2) Which suppliers provide the digital communication tools that are used across the ICS to enable self-service pathways such as self-triage, referral, condition management and advice and guidance? Please state if your ICS does not currently provide some or all such digital communication tools.
DDICB as an entity does not provide self-enabled service pathways as DDICB does not directly provide care. This is not provided at the ICS level and, other than national system (for example electronic referral system), this capability is provided at an organisational level.
3) Do your ICS-wide clinical systems meet clinical safety standards as set out by DTAC and DCB0129 and DCB0160?
DDICB does not provide any ICS-wide clinical systems. DDICB does contract, on behalf of NHSE, GP systems for primary care which meet national procurement and clinical safety standards.
4) Does your ICS have a population health management system that has a fully linked, longitudinal dataset with primary, secondary, mental health, social care and community data? If yes, please state the name of the supplier of this system.
No, DDICB does not have this capability as stated. It is intended that the Federated Data platform that is being nationally procured will be used for this capability.
5) Do all your ICS-wide digital transformation projects, programmes and services meet the Technology Code of Practice?
We always endeavour to ensure this whenever practical and possible, but we cannot guarantee this across the whole ICS at this point.
6) Does your ICS have a shared care record that adheres to Professional Records Standard Body’s Core Information Standard? Please can you also state the supplier of this shared care record, even if it does not currently adhere to the PRSB standard?
Orion Health Care is the supplier of the Derbyshire Shared Care record and complies to PRSB Standards.
I hope that this answers your queries with the information we currently hold, but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB
FOI Team
Nightingale Close
S41 7PF
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, email
Yours faithfully,
Kathryn Jacklin
FOI Officer
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
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