FOI 1747 – Mental Health Investment Fund
FOI Reference Number:
1. How much of the £2.3 billion mental health investment fund will (has) Joined up care Derbyshire: ICS receive(d)?
2. How has/ will this have been allocated and which individual / individuals are responsible for this from a commissioning perspective.
3. How will the ICS use the additional funds?
a. What type of projects will the ICS implement with the additional funds?
b. Is any funding ringfenced to fund initiatives/projects designed to try/test new digital solutions/products?
c. What type of outcomes is the ICS hoping to achieve with the initiatives/projects funded by the additional money?
d. As part of the fund allocation process, will Place Based Partnerships and/or Primary Care Networks be able to apply to receive monies from the additional funds to implement projects they believe will benefit their local patient population?
e. If that is the case, is there a process by which Place Based Partnerships and/or Primary Care Network apply to receive monies from the additional funds?
4. If you would be able to give me the names and contact details of the commissioners responsible for managing the ring-fenced mental health investment that would be helpful.
5. Could you also please let me know you let me know what the process is at the ICS for commissioning pilots for primary care.
6. I would be interested to know who if anyone at the ICS is responsible for increasing capacity by releasing workload, again their contact details would be much appreciated.
Date: 16 February 2023
Dear Sir / Madam,
FOI Reference Number: 1747
1. How much of the £2.3 billion mental health investment fund will (has) Joined up care Derbyshire: ICS receive(d)?
ICBs have received their share of the £2.3bn through increases to the ICB baseline funding over the last 5 years. It is impossible to ascertain how much of the £23bn has been received by Derby & Derbyshire ICB. However, as an approximation, the ICB fair share of the funds will be about 1.9% / £43.7m.
2. How has/ will this have been allocated and which individual / individuals are responsible for this from a commissioning perspective.
Over the last 5 years a proportion of this funding will have been added to CCG/ICB baselines. Each CCG/ICB has a minimum mental health investment target (MHIS). This is a minimum amount the CCG/ICB must invest in mental health over the amount they spent in the previous year. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for ensuring that the ICB meets the MHIS and a statement is published on the website each year to confirm whether the target has been met.
3. How will the ICS use the additional funds?
a. What type of projects will the ICS implement with the additional funds?
The long term plan set out a list of CCG/ICB priorities that are required to be met using this funding.
b. Is any funding ringfenced to fund initiatives/projects designed to try/test new digital solutions/products?
No funding is ringfenced for this purpose, however digital solutions are one of the priorities set out in the long term plan.
c. What type of outcomes is the ICS hoping to achieve with the initiatives/projects funded by the additional money?
The long term plan sets out the outcomes required to be achieved from the funding
d. As part of the fund allocation process, will Place Based Partnerships and/or Primary Care Networks be able to apply to receive monies from the additional funds to implement projects they believe will benefit their local patient population?
There may be scope to work collaboratively with Place Based Partnerships and PCNs to receive monies to implement projects. As above. priorities are determined by Long Term Plan deliverables so Programme Leads responsible for the delivery of key objectives will work with a broad range of stakeholders and partners to determine the best delivery method for the relevant priority.
e. If that is the case, is there a process by which Place Based Partnerships and/or Primary Care Network apply to receive monies from the additional funds?
There is no application process. Any opportunities to deliver services must be compliant with procurement legislation or tender processes as applicable, and in accordance with our local Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs) and governance processes.
4. If you would be able to give me the names and contact details of the commissioners responsible for managing the ring-fenced mental health investment that would be helpful.
Mick Burrows, Director of Commissioning for MH, LD, ASD, and CYP, has overall responsibility for mental health investment. Mr Burrows may be contacted as below:
Tel: 01332 868730
5. Could you also please you let me know what the process is at the ICS for commissioning pilots for primary care. Clarification – Would pertain to if there is a defined process and criteria for Primary Care providers to follow in order to commission or apply for funding to trial (or pilot) activities that benefit patient care across the whole health economy, and in particular for Mental Health and or digital therapies.
There is no defined process, it would depend on the criteria stipulated as part of the initiative in question.
6. I would be interested to know who if anyone at the ICS is responsible for increasing capacity by
releasing workload, again their contact details would be much appreciated. Clarification – I am hoping to understand who is responsible for improving patient access and reducing workload in primary care, including reducing waiting times, increasing service provision, and redesigning the primary care services provided.
Clive Newman, Director of GP Development, has overall responsibility for commissioning of General Practice including these areas.
I hope that this answers your queries with the information we currently hold, but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB
FOI Team
Nightingale Close
S41 7PF
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, email
Yours faithfully,
Kathryn Jacklin
FOI Officer
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
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