Governing body decision log: April 2020 – June, 2021
Page Contents
Date: 2 April, 2020
Item discussed: Request to vary the CCG’s Constitution (Annex 1: Decisions, Authorities and Duties Delegated to Officers of the CCG Governing Body) for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency
The Governing Body:
- APPROVED the variation to Annex 1 of the Constitution, as set out in Appendix 1 of the paper, specifically for the Director of GP Development and the Assistant Director of GP Commissioning and Development.
- DELEGATED to the CFO and CEO jointly the right to extend this variation to other Functional and Assistant Directors within the CCG as necessary to address COVID-19 pressures.
- APPROVED changes to the invoice authorisation process due to the impact of the current COVID-19 outbreak.
- RATIFIED the decision made by the Finance and Audit Committee to approve a temporary increase in Oracle authorisation limits for two senior finance officers.
Action: Complete
Date: 16 April, 2020
Item discussed: Review of quoracy arrangements during escalation to Level 4
The Governing Body APPROVED the following:
Governing Body to meet weekly via video conference call for 30 to 45 minutes. The transaction of Governing Body business will be to:
- Provide an update on the COVID-19 position
- Ratification of Executive Team decisions
- Ratification of urgent subcommittee business
To temporarily amend the Governing Body quoracy to include:
- Clinical Chair, Vice Chair or Audit Chair.
- 1 CCG Officer or Executive Director.
- 2 Lay Members.
- 2 Voting Clinicians (to include GP Members and the Secondary Care Doctor and Clinical Chair).
The quorum necessary for the transaction of Governing Body business for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency shall be a minimum of six members.
CCG Constitution will be updated accordingly
To temporarily amend the Audit Committee membership to 6 Lay Members.
Action: Complete
Date: 7 May, 2020
Item discussed: Remuneration Committee – Updated Terms of Reference
The Governing Body APPROVED the updated Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee with the requested amendments
Action: Complete
Date: 14 May, 2020
Item discussed: 3rd Wave Care Homes AQP
The Governing Body:
APPROVED that an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) Domiciliary Care contract is awarded to each provider who successfully met the criteria in Window 3 for a contract period of 12 months to be coterminous with the initial Domiciliary Care tender (window 1) with an extension period of up to 24 months.
APPROVED a further AQP process (window 4) to secure additional Domiciliary Care capacity, giving those providers who are unsuccessful a further opportunity to tender.
Action: Complete
Date: 14 May, 2020
Item discussed: Governing Body Assurance Report – Quarter 4
The Governing Body RECEIVED and NOTED this report for assurance purposes
Action: Complete
Date: 14 May, 2020
Item discussed: CCG COVID-19 Risk Exception Report
The Governing Body APPROVED the reduction of Risk 13 relating to the supply and guidance of PPE – from 20 to 12 – to bring it in line with the System Register.
Action: Complete
Date: 4 June, 2020
Item discussed: Preparation for de-escalation from level 4 to level 3
The Governing Body NOTED the contents of this report and APPROVED:
- The de-escalation from business continuity Level 4 to Level 3, to enable oversight of the Restoration and Recovery work programme through the CCG’s Corporate Committees
- The reinstatement of the Corporate Committees to the Governing Body with effect from the June meetings
Action: Complete
Date: 18 June, 2020
Item discussed: 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts – Management Representation Letter
The Governing Body APPROVED the contents of the Management Representation Letter that will form part of the 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts.
Action: Complete