Introduction from Helen Henderson, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Derbyshire, and board member for the Integrated Place Executive and Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Board.
By Emilia Betteridge, The Hub Plus, DerbyshireAn improvement programme has helped GP practices across Derby and Derbyshire become more efficient, improve patient access, and support staff in managing demand.NHS Derby and Derbyshire last year invited The Hub Plus Derbyshire to deliver a local model of the General Practice Improvement Programme (GPIP) – which ran alongside […]
Every winter, many of us will come down with coughs and sniffles as the cold and damp weather hits.
Women across Derby and Derbyshire are being asked to give their views and help contribute towards improved health services.
GP practices in Derbyshire are providing tens of thousands more appointments for patients than five years ago, while patient satisfaction levels remain high, latest analysis has shown.