Five things you can do to help you and your family stay well this Christmas

In the countdown to Christmas, make sure you do the best for you and your family’s health as you prepare for the festivities. Access to health services over the Christmas period may be reduced so plan ahead and know where to go if you need medical help.

Get your repeat prescriptions

Order and collect any repeat prescriptions you need before 21 December to ensure you have what you need over the Christmas period. It can take a few days to process your repeat prescription request, so get your request in as early as you can. It is also important to remind any elderly relatives who may be coming to visit.

Stock up the medicine cabinet

Prevent Christmas misery by checking your medicine cabinet and keeping it stocked with over-the-counter medicines, especially cough, cold and flu remedies. This will help you to manage common winter illnesses and minor injuries at home, particularly as GP surgeries will close over the holiday. Click here for advice on what to keep in your medicine cabinet

Don’t put off the dentist if you have toothache

Nobody wants to make a trip to the dentist around Christmas, but you don’t want to be lumbered with toothache on Christmas Day. What may seem like a relatively small issue can develop quickly into something more serious, resulting in even more pain and discomfort. So listen to your mouth and visit a dentist for advice as soon as possible if you have any signs of toothache or discomfort.

Don’t wait to get advice – is here for you

If you do feel unwell or need advice on a health concern, get help early before your condition worsens by contacting your local pharmacist or visiting NHS 111 online. NHS 111 online is a great resource for you to use over the winter period, it’s quick, easy and available 24/7.

Through, you can:

  • find out how and where to get the right healthcare in your area, whether it’s through your GP, urgent care or pharmacist
  • get advice on self-care
  • get a call back from a nurse, doctor or other trained health professional if required

People should still call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency – when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Get your vaccines

The last thing you can do to prepare for the winter period is to get your flu and covid jab booked in. It can take 2-3 weeks for the flu and Covid-19 vaccine to kick in and offer protection, so get booked in as soon as you can, if you are eligible, to reduce the risk of falling poorly over Christmas.

Book online or call 119.

Visit for healthcare advice. Find a pharmacist here or find a dentist here, and to book your vaccine, go online or call 119;