National Salt week

This week marks National Salt Week, a time to raise awareness about the importance of appropriate salt consumption for a balanced diet and emphasize the significance of monitoring one’s salt intake for better health outcomes.

Excessive salt intake can lead to various health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. To help you make informed choices about your salt consumption, we have gathered some valuable tips from the NHS website to reduce your salt intake:

  1. Check Food Labels: Be mindful of the salt content in packaged foods. Opt for products with lower salt content or choose the ones labelled as “low salt” or “no added salt.”
  2. Cook from Scratch: Prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients. This way, you can control the amount of salt added during cooking.
  3. Flavour with Herbs and Spices: Enhance the taste of your dishes with herbs, spices, and other flavourings instead of reaching for the salt shaker.
  4. Limit Processed Foods: Processed foods like ready meals, snacks, and canned soups often contain high levels of salt. Try to reduce your consumption of these items.
  5. Be Cautious with Condiments: Sauces, dressings, and condiments can be hidden sources of salt. Use them sparingly or look for low-salt alternatives.

By making small changes to your diet and being mindful of your salt intake, you can take positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. For more information and tips on managing salt in your diet, visit the NHS website at

Furthermore, you can find a pharmacy near you that offers free Blood Pressure checks and receive advice from them.

Let’s celebrate National Salt Week by making conscious choices about our salt consumption and promoting better health for ourselves and our community.

Stay healthy and informed!