1 in 11 people over the age of 65 have dementia in the UK. The number of people with dementia is increasing because people are living longer. It is estimated that by 2030, the number of people with dementia in the UK will be more than 1 million. More than 18,000 people across Derby and Derbyshire are estimated to have dementia and this number will rise to over 21,000 by 2030.
Almost everyone will know family members, friends and colleagues who have dementia or are carers of people with dementia.
There is no typical person with dementia and everyone’s experience of the condition is unique.
People with dementia come from a range of backgrounds, situations, and age groups.
The Joined Up Care Derbyshire Dementia Partnership is working to try and improve the care, treatment and daily living of people with, and affected by dementia.
Dementia Risk Reduction
Dementia is not an inevitable part of aging. Just as we can protect other areas of our health, we can take steps to keep our brains healthy and reduce our risk of developing dementia later in life.
There are 14 modifiable risk factors for dementia. Taken together, these risk factors could prevent or delay almost half (45%) of all dementia cases around the world. This means there is a huge opportunity to stop dementia before it ever starts.
Hearing loss is one of the highest risk factors for dementia, but also one of the most easily modifiable. For help with hearing loss, contact Hearing Help UK or telephone: 01773 570976.
It’s never too early or too late to start thinking about our brain health. You can get healthy lifestyle support from Live Life Better Derbyshire (LLBD) or telephone: 01629 538 200.
Dementia Information and Advice Services
Alzheimer’s Society deliver Dementia information and Advice services in both Derbyshire County and Derby City. The services provide support, information and guidance for those living with dementia and for their carers including:
- understanding dementia
- how to get help locally
- maintaining independence
- financial and legal matters
- caring for people with dementia
- changes in relationships and behaviour
- community care
- long-stay care
The services also deliver a range of groups for people affected by memory loss or dementia where you can meet other people who have similar circumstances to you:
- memory cafés
- carers education sessions
- singing for the brain
Email: derbyshire@alzheimers.org.uk or derbycitydementiasupport@alzheimers.org.uk
Telephone: 01332 208845 (Derbyshire) or 01332 497640 (Derby)
Derbyshire Dementia Information and Advice Service
Caring for someone with dementia
Caring for someone with dementia can be both stressful and rewarding. There is information, advice and support for carers from services including:
- sources of practical help and details of local and national advice lines
- carers rights, including carer assessments
- information about support groups
- registration for a Carer’s Emergency Card
- welfare benefits advice
- services to give you a break from your caring role
Email: info@derbyshirecarers.co.uk or carers-events@citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk
Telephone: 01773 833833 (Derbyshire) or 01332 228777 (Derby)
Universal Services for Carers in Derby
Living Well with Dementia Programme
The living well with dementia programme is delivered by the NHS and is offered to people who are in the in early stages of dementia alongside carers and families.
The 6-week programme offers help and support in coming to terms with a dementia diagnosis, gives practical advice on living well with dementia and offers support for carers, including coping skills and help to understand the roles of different organisations and professionals.
- North Derbyshire living well with dementia programme, telephone: 01246 515576
- South Derbyshire and Derby living well with dementia programme, telephone: 0115 907 1440
To access the programme you can speak to your GP or another NHS worker and ask to be referred. There is also an online version of the living well programme.
Memory Assessment Service
The Memory Assessment Service (MAS) assesses people in Derbyshire who have memory and other cognitive difficulties that might relate to a form of dementia. Diagnosing dementia accurately helps to ensure that people can access the treatment, support and advice they need to stay well and live independently for as long as possible.
The MAS service is run by two teams – one in the north of the county and one in the south and the aim of both teams is to provide high-quality diagnostic assessments. This service is delivered by our specially trained health professionals who are able to provide a diagnosis once an assessment has taken place and that assessment has been reviewed and discussed with the teams’ consultants and speciality doctors. If a diagnosis of dementia is found our health professionals will be able provide advice and guidance to the individual and their families.
To access this service you can speak to your GP or another NHS worker and ask to be referred.
Dementia Palliative Care Team
This service is provided by Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust and the primary goal of the team is to enable improved palliative care for people living with advanced dementia, with mental and physical health needs in care homes/supported living or their own home.
The team are focussed on ensuring the person remains at home (wherever home is) and avoiding unnecessary hospital admission. The team will also support discharges from acute hospital beds. The team assess, plan care for and consult on people with advanced dementia and comorbid conditions which make care and treatment complex.
To access this service you can speak to your GP or another NHS worker and ask to be referred.
Dementia Strategy Updates
The Joined Up care Derybyshire Dementia and Delirium Partnership have spoken to people across Derby and Derbyshire about Dementia.
This will help us renew the Derbyshire Dementia Strategy until 2030.
Derbyshire Dementia Together Coproduction Group
The Derbyshire Dementia Together Coproduction Group meet monthly and are helping shape the Dementia Strategy and Implementation Plan. If you would like more information about the coproduction group or are someone with lived experience who would like to join the group, please email derbyshire@alzheimers.org.uk
Delirium in Dementia Awareness Training
This training is for anyone affected by dementia. Including people with dementia, carers, care home workers, nurses and anyone involved with dementia care.
People with dementia are at very high risk of delirium and it has a significant impact so the information in this short training with benefit anyone.