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What is the Derbyshire Shared Care Record?

The Derbyshire Shared Care Record is a confidential computer record that joins up your records from different health and social care organisations to create a more comprehensive and up-to-date record about you. This helps improve the care you receive.

Watch the video to see how Tom and his carer benefit from the shared care record.

What kind of information is shared?

  • Your up-to-date personal contact details and care needs
  • List of diagnosed conditions – so health or social care professionals have a better understanding of your care needs
  • Medications – so everyone treating you knows what medicines you’ve been prescribed
  • Allergies – to make sure you aren’t given medicine that might give you an adverse reaction
  • Test results – to speed up your treatment and care
  • Referrals, clinic letters and discharge information – to make sure the people caring for you have all the information they need.

Watch the video to see how Rita and her carers benefit from the shared care record.

Why do you need to share this information?

Within some services, information is already shared. Having the ability under the Derbyshire Shared Care Record to access the same information and share it more readily allows medical and social care professionals to decide more quickly what treatment you may need and the best way to help and care for you. This helps provide you with better health and social care.

Contact us

The Derbyshire Shared Care Record website is intended for both members of the public and professionals to keep everyone informed and aware of the programme.

If you have any feedback or queries then use the form below to contact the Derbyshire Shared Care Record team.

Please do not include any personal information as the recipient may not be a health professional.

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Last Updated: Friday 14th June 2024 - 2:41:pm

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