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Home > Your Services > GPs > Accessing your GP record

Frequently Asked Questions…

Q. How can I get access to my records?

It depends on what action your GP has taken and whether they have deemed you ‘At risk’. You may need to request online access from your GP who will then help you and explain how you can get access.

Q. Will I get access to my whole record?

In most cases, practices will only provide access to new information, and this also sometimes called prospective access. If you want to see your entire record, please contact your practice and they will explain their procedures for such requests.

Q. How safe is the app, and can my data be stolen?

Just like a banking app, your identity will be carefully checked during the simple registration process. The app has been designed, built, and tested so your personal information is always safe and secure.

Q. Why isn’t my practice doing anything?

Practices can decide to provide full access or limited access immediately, or to delay implementation.

Some practices may already provide access, in which case nothing changes for their patients. Patients at practices providing limited access or no automatic access can still request access.

Q. I am a parent/carer can I access my child records?

Change to records access will only apply to people aged 16 years or older. Anyone with online accounts set up before their 16th birthday will receive access to records entered after their 16th birthday when they turn 16.

Q. What if there is something in my record that I don’t agree with?

If you see something in your record that you don’t feel is correct, please contact your practice.  They will have a process for investigating concerns please note that this process many take some time and records cannot be amended instantly. The Information Commissioner’s Office has produced some guidance around this so you’re able to understand this process.

Last Updated: Thursday 20th June 2024 - 11:02:am

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