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Estimates of people with a learning disability for Derby and Derbyshire are slightly more than 2% of the population, which is approximately four times the proportion of the population who are known to services. It is estimated that there are 15,250 people in Derbyshire and 4,950 people in Derby with a learning disability (people with mild to severe learning disability).

It is estimated that 1% of the population have autism. Research has identified between 44% and 52% of people with autism may have a learning disability and between 48% and 56% do not have a learning disability. Data from GPs in Derby and Derbyshire show there are 3,358 people with autism (who have no learning disability).

Visit the NHS England website for an overview on learning disabilities.

View the the Derbyshire Healthcare website for information on learning disabilities.


Annual health checks

People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case. Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability.

Please visit our annual health checks page to view all the information about the provision of annual health checks in Derby and Derbyshire.

Building the Right Support

The national plan, Building the Right Support, gives commissioners a clear framework to develop more community services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges, including those with a mental health condition, and close some inpatient facilities.

View the NHS England website on Building the Right Support, which includes information on the national Transforming Care Partnerships that were established.

Building the Right Support in Derby and Derbyshire produced a YouTube channel which hosts a number of videos about the programme.

General health

Cervical screening

Healthcare professionals, carers or family can use a national leaflet to discuss cervical screening with someone who has learning disabilities. Screening providers can also use the easy guide in conjunction with a cervical screening easy read invitation letter template to invite women with learning disabilities for screening.

Child health

Learning Disability Matters has launched a new app to provide parents, carers and families with information about supporting people with learning disabilities. It provides advice, guidance and links to support services. For more information, visit the Learning Disability Matters website.

Dealing with issues of constipation

Constipation can be dangerous if not managed effectively. It can affect everyone but people with learning disabilities have an increased risk. 

Watch this YouTube video produced by the University of Derby media production team and the learning Disabilities Health Facilitation team at Derbyshire Healthcare.

Oral health

Evidence shows that people with learning disabilities have poorer oral health and more problems in accessing dental services than the general population. Further information on the website.

Learning from Lives and Deaths of people with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People (LeDeR)

The LeDeR programme was established in 2017 to support local areas across England to review the deaths of people with a learning disability, to learn from those deaths and to put that learning into practice.

In January 2022 the programme was adapted to include the reviews of deaths of individuals with a clinical diagnosis of autism using the LeDeR principles.

The Integrated Care System (ICS) is responsible for ensuring that LeDeR reviews are completed for their local area and that actions are implemented to improve the quality of services for people with a learning disability and autistic people to reduce health inequalities and premature mortality.

For more information about the LeDeR programme, please see attached.


The University of Bristol has established a national resource including information for social care providers, family members and LeDeR reviewers.

Watch national LeDeR reviews channel YouTube.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

The Mental Capacity Act is designed to protect and empower people who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care and treatment.

The GMC has an interactive tool to aid decision-making when a patient’s capacity is in doubt.

Resources relating to Covid-19

A number of resources, advice and guidance has been published on the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to people with learning disabilities and/or autism. These include:

Sepsis awareness

Sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury. Normally our immune system fights infection – but sometimes it attacks our body’s own organs and tissues.

Derbyshire has produced a sepsis primary care resource pack – aimed at all members of the practice team, with resources for non-clinical team members and for clinical staff assessing patients with acute infection. 


STOMP stands for stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines.  STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life. STAMP stands for supporting treatment and appropriate medication in paediatrics.

Visit the NHS England website for more information.

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has created a set of five short films about STOMP, one each for GPs, psychiatrists, carers, learning disability teams and pharmacists.

End of life care

Research indicates people with a learning disability are more likely to experience poor general health and to have high levels of unmet physical and mental health needs. They are also more likely to experience poor quality end of life care. A resource has been developed by NHS England and the Palliative Care for People with Learning Disabilities (PCPLD) Network. It provides tips, resources and good practice examples with the aim of helping to achieve the ambitions for palliative and end of life care.

Dynamic Support Pathway 

Last Updated: Tuesday 28th January 2025 - 3:39:pm

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