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A musculoskeletal condition is any injury, disease or problem with muscles, bones and joints. Muscle and joint problems are the biggest cause of work absence and physical disability in the UK. A wide range of disorders and conditions can lead to problems in the musculoskeletal system. Ageing, injuries, lifestyle and disease can cause pain and limit movement.
Musculoskeletal conditions account for 30% of GP consultations in England. Low back and neck pain are the greatest cause of years lost to disability in the UK, with chronic joint pain or osteoarthritis affecting more than 8.75 million people in the UK. Musculoskeletal is a priority for Derbyshire healthcare services.
Musculoskeletal services in Derby and Derbyshire are provided by 15 providers. This includes three NHS providers and 12 independent sector providers. The Derbyshire system is aiming to provide a more consistent and collaborative offer, which delivers improvement against the quadruple aim;
- Improving experience of care (quality & satisfaction)
- Improving the health of the population
- improving staff experience
- reducing the per capita cost of healthcare.
The Derbyshire system is working on new ways to improve healthcare and outcomes.
getUbetter- a digital tool for musculoskeletal patients
The getUBetter App is a safe and effective way to help you self-manage your injury or condition at home, work, and on the move.
- Hip pain
- Back pain
- Leg pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Ankle pain.
The app is designed to support people with new, recurrent and long-term musculoskeletal conditions. The platform provides lots of useful information to help people whilst they are waiting to be seen, recovering following surgery or managing an ongoing condition.
It will also allow doctors, nurses, and other clinicians to send people for the right treatment and service. This is much better for people because they are empowered to recover with the right information and support. It’s also great for healthcare providers because they can direct people towards the best services to treat people with musculoskeletal conditions.
Sign up to the getUBetter app here.
Provide feedback and find out more
Support for patients
There is a range of other support available to patients. Please see the websites with links below:
- Information and advice on self-care as an alternative form of support to help you manage your condition
- Other sources of urgent support if you experience acute issues. The NHS 111 online and call service can assess you and book you an appointment at an Urgent Treatment Centre if required. Your pharmacist is also a great source of advice. Please only attend A&E if you have a life-threatening injury or illness
- An enquiries service if you find that you are unable to find the information you require.
1. Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust
Find self-management advice and further information for several common complaints and conditions across all body parts. Contact our MSK and Physiotherapy services.
Knee – self-management and advice – Derbyshire Community Health Services
2. Knee rehabilitation programme – University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS
The knee rehab programme has been live about a month now and is aimed to help pattients self-manage conditions/injuries/operations from initial injury through to return to sport.
3. Versus Arthritis
Get general advice on self-management, as well as condition-specific guidance. There is also access to the ‘Let’s move’ programme which offers 30 minutes of weekly exercise and online support.
4. Arthritis Action
Access to self-management covering diet, weight management, well-being, and pain management. This page contains exercises you can try in a chair at your own home, as part of a programme developed to encourage people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions to become more active.
5. Action on Pain
Get support, information and advice on Pain Management. There is also access to the ‘Pain Line’ which is a helpline open Monday-Friday 10.00 – 16.00 (0345 6031593).
6. Pain Concern
Find support and information to help manage pain in a variety of formats including podcasts, leaflets, online forums and helplines.
7. NHS Choices
Find a comprehensive list for a variety of conditions with self-management help and support.
8. My Planned Care
My Planned Care gives you advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery.
Get in touch
If you’re interested in finding out more about musculoskeletal services, please email the commissioning team.