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Changes to the Sheffield Adult Autism and Neurodevelopmental Service (SAANS) – update on 30 October 2024

The Sheffield Adult Autism and Neurodevelopmental Service (SAANS) have stopped offering services for autism and ADHD assessments for people in Derby and Derbyshire.

The NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is working to set up a new local service.

If you live in Derby or Derbyshire and are on the waiting list or have been referred for an autism or ADHD assessment, you should have received information about your next steps.

If this applies to you, you have two options:

I do not want to be assessed.

If you no longer need an assessment, please let the Sheffield Adult Autism and Neurodevelopmental Service know. 

You can email them at In the email please include your name, date of birth, NHS number and whether you were waiting for ASC or ADHD assessment. They will remove you from the waiting list.

How to find your NHS Number.

I want to be assessed and understand that my referral information will be transferred to the Derby and Derbyshire service once it is in place.

If you still want an assessment, you don’t need to do anything. If you don’t contact us, we will assume you want the assessment and your details will be transferred over to the new service provider once it is in place. Your original referral date will still apply.

Please note: If your referral was not accepted before, the letter from SAANS is not an acceptance. You will stay on the screening list, and the new provider will reach out to you later about your referral. You will be contacted again when the new service is in place. 

This transfer to any new service provider will include sharing relevant information from your referral and any screening information from pre-assessment questionnaires. If you need to update your information, please email in the meantime.


Support whilst you wait

There are various support services available, both nationally and locally. Most of these do not require a diagnosis to access support, so we encourage you to seek help and support for your needs whilst you wait to be contacted by the new service provider.

If you are aged 18+ and are waiting for an ASC assessment, the Specialist Wellbeing Navigator Service can help you. The service has a team of trained workers who can help you navigate life whilst waiting for an Autism Assessment. The service can offer advice, information and signposting, as well as offering practical short-term support. You don’t need a diagnosis to access support. Email or call 01773 741 221.

If you are 25 or under and are waiting for an ADHD assessment, you can access the Neurodiverse Community Hubs without needing a diagnosis. The four Neurodiverse Community Hubs can be found in South Derbyshire, Derby City, Central Derbyshire and High Peak. The hubs offer drop-ins for advice, support with the assessment process, one to one sessions, group sessions, and more.

If you are over 25 and are waiting for an ADHD assessment, you can access support from Mind, or from the NHS website. More information and resources can be found on the Derby Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website.


Frequently Asked Questions

I am a patient and my symptoms have got worse – what should I do?

  • If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999.
  • For urgent mental health support, call the NHS at 111 and select Option 2.


I have been on the waiting list for a while – what happens now?

We’re working on a new service for Derby and Derbyshire. We don’t have a specific start date yet, but we will update this page as soon as we do.


I have been on the waiting list – will I keep my place on the list?

Yes. As soon as the new service starts, they will begin seeing patients in the same order on the waiting list.


I have been on the waiting list – how long will it take for me to get an appointment?

The new service will begin seeing patients in the same order on the waiting list as before. They will write to all patients with an update when the service is up and running.


I want to join the waiting list – what should I do?

Please speak to your GP, they can explain your options for care and the current waiting times.


I have been assessed and am waiting for medication or to discuss medication – what happens next?

The organisation that assessed you is usually responsible for ensuring that medication is discussed with you and processed. The GP who made your referral should be able to support you whilst you wait for the new service to start.

For people who have been assessed and diagnosed with ADHD by SAANS but are currently waiting for medication: SAANS will continue managing your medication.

For people currently being supported with medication by SAANS: SAANs will continue to support you.


When will the new service be in place?

We do not have a firm date yet.  As soon as we know more, this webpage will be updated.


Is there going to be a Derbyshire ADHD team?

Yes. We are currently developing a new service for Derby and Derbyshire patients.


My home address has changed since the original referral was made.  Who do I contact to have my address details updated?

The Sheffield service will update your details while you remain on the waiting list. Please email


I am no longer registered with a Derby & Derbyshire GP.  What will happen to my referral?

Your referral will not be transferred to the new Derbyshire service. You need to speak with your new GP to discuss your needs and support options in your area.


Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools project (PINS)

This is a nationally funded pilot project for 2024/25, building on the success of the national Autism in Schools Project. The approach of PINS has been developed around the key principles of Autism in Schools: 

  • Whole School Approach 
  • Good quality training for staff 
  • Parents Supporting Parents groups 
  • Understanding students experience of schools 

In Derby and Derbyshire, PINS is being delivered through a partnership by the NHS, Local Authorities and the Derby and Derbyshire Parent Carer Forums in mainstream primary settings to: 

  • Help shape whole school SEND provision 
  • Provide early interventions at a school level 
  • Upskill school staff 
  • Support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers 

We hope that PINS will leave a sustainable impact after the funded period and build evidence on the benefits of closer collaboration between education and health, including working collaboratively across professional boundaries.  

The focus is on a needs drive rather than a diagnosis focused programme. Strengthening knowledge, skills and improving environments to better meet the needs of neurodiverse children, will re-frame the focus to how a supportive learning environment and well-equipped school can improve the outcomes for this group of children. 

37 mainstream primary schools across Derby and Derbyshire are taking part in the PINS project.

Last Updated: Thursday 2nd January 2025 - 3:54:pm

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