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I am a patient wanting to raise a concern  

Patients are encouraged to follow the relevant service provider’s complaints process. You can find all the information you need to make a complaint on our complaints page.


I am a health professional wanting to raise a service concern

How and when to raise a service concerns alert

Concerns, incidents or issues related to Quality and/or Patient Safety could be:  

  • inappropriate patient pathways

  • dispensing errors, delays to patient treatment

  • referral issues 

  • e-discharge information

  • poor discharges

  • communication and information governance

  • breach of NHS Standard contract.

To report concerns that GP Practices/other healthcare providers have about locally commissioned health services it should first be considered whether the concern is: 

  • urgent patient safety issue/serious incident

  • related to a specific patient or

  • general concern about service provision

  • medicines management issue.

Patient Safety/Incident Reporting

Concerns relating to a specific patient

If the concern is related to a specific patient the relevant provider Service Concern Alert form should be forwarded to the service provider. This allows for the provider to investigate using any patient details you can provide.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (CRHFT)

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB)

Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (DHcFT)

Derbyshire Community Health Service (DCHS)

East Midland Ambulance Service (EMAS)

Derbyshire Health United Health Care (DHU)

DHU 111 Service

Sherwood Forest Hospitals (Kingsmill)

Cygnet Healthcare Independent Hospitals In Derbyshire

  • Follow the online complaints process
  • Cygnet operates the following facilities with Derby and Derbyshire:
    • Acer Clinic, Worksop Road, Chesterfield, S43 3DN, 01246 386090
    • Storthfield House Storth Lane , Broadmeadows, Alfreton, DE55 3AA; 01773 515600
    • Derby, 100 City Gate, London Road, Derby, DE24 8WZ; 01332 365434
    • Views, 22 Wellington Street, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3JP; 01629 831004
    • Manor, Central Drive, Shirebrook, NG20 8BA; 01623 741730

Concerns raised directly with providers and the actions taken will form part of the regular reporting and Quality Assurance meetings the ICB has with each of its providers. 

If you have raised a concern with a service provider directly and do not receive a timely response/you are unhappy with the response then you may wish to inform the ICB of the concern and response received. Please remove any patient identifiable information before sharing with the ICBA member of the Clinical Quality Team will then address with the provider concerned.

General Concerns About Service Provision or Commissioning Concerns

If your Service concern is more general – for example you have noticed a theme such as poor quality discharge information or have a general concern such as a provider not fulfilling contractual obligations then please complete the NHS Derby and Derbyshire Service Concern Alert form below to the Service Concerns Alert inbox –

Please do not include any patient identifiable information when completing the form

NHS Derby and Derbyshire will keep all information on this form secure and confidential and will only share with the respective provider(s) or commissioner(s) the description of the concern to improve services. You will be updated on the progress of your concern in line with the Service Concerns Alert process.


Medicines Management issue

If your Service concern relates to a medicines management issue within a care home or social care setting then please complete the Medicines Management in Care Homes and Social Care concerns form below and send it to the NHS Derby and Derbyshire Meds Man Alert inbox Please do not include any patient identifiable information when completing the form

Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Derby Teaching Hospital have set up a facility to provide GPs with a means of highlighting problems that have occurred with the prescribing or supply of medicines at discharge from hospital.  This facility can also be used to report on inappropriate prescribing requests made to primary care clinicians. These prescribing concerns can be submitted by GP practices directly to the relevant hospital via their prescribing concerns portal – links to these portals can be found on the Derbyshire Medicines Management website.

If your concern relates to Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

If your concern relates to University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, then please visit their dedicated page for prescribing concerns.

If you have received an inappropriate prescribing request from another Trust visit the dedicated Medicines Management page for reporting an inappropriate prescribing request. See also their out of area guidance.

Last Updated: Tuesday 11th March 2025 - 12:51:pm

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