“People who use services have the most valuable insight. Your point of view matters”

As we step into the new year, it’s important now more than ever to work together to improve our healthcare system. I want to share some thoughts about the important workshops happening this January and February, and why involvement from local people is so important.

At Healthwatch Derbyshire we make sure your views on health and care services are listened to, to help improve standards of care. Our role is to collect your feedback to make sure that services work for the people who use them.

We’re supporting workshops being run by Joined Up Care Derbyshire that aim to shape the future of NHS services in our area. These workshops will be held in Derby, Chesterfield, and online, making sure that as many voices as possible can be heard. To find out more about these workshops visit the Derbyshire Involvement website.

Why are these workshops so important? We believe the people who use services have the most valuable insight, which is a key part of our work here at Healthwatch Derbyshire. NHS and social care staff are doing everything they can to keep us well during these challenging times, but there might be things that can be improved for you and the people you care about.

Your experiences, ideas, and feedback are the foundation which we can build on, to shape a healthcare system that truly meets the needs of our community. Whether you’ve had positive experiences or faced challenges, your point of view matters.

The workshops are more than just sharing your story. You’ll have the chance to speak directly with local healthcare leaders, learn how national plans are being implemented locally, and provide feedback that will help guide the next five years of NHS planning in Derby and Derbyshire.

We know that our community’s health needs are diverse and always changing. That’s why your input is so important. By taking part in the workshops, you make sure your voice helps shape what works well and what needs to improve. Together, we can make strides to make changes to community care, move from old ways to digital solutions, and focus on prevention.

Your involvement is another step towards a healthcare system that listens and makes changes based on suggestions from the people who use services. Join us for these important conversations and help shape the future of the NHS in Derby and Derbyshire.