FOI 1620 – Shared Care Records
FOI Reference Number:
1. I’m aware that there are a number of ICS-level Shared Care Records, and that each UCS is required to have one. Please tell me the name of the Shared Care Record for your ICS, and also the name or names of the software provider(s) – e.g. Graphnet, Orion, Interweave, etc. In addition, if your ICS’s Shared Care Record is shared between several ICSs, please let me know the names of the other ICSs with which your Shared Care Record is shared
2. Other than processing patient data for the provision of direct care what other permissions or purposes would these software companies have.
3. Could you please provide a list of any and all bodies and organisations outside the NHS to either the shared care record or any data within it.
4. Are there any circumstances at all in which police or immigration authorities specifically would be able to have access to ShCR’s and how would consent for this be given?
5. I have a specific question about delegated consent ie people who cannot make decisions for themselves – please could you provide me with a copy of the policy on delegated consent.
6. please could you provide your policy or policies around consent for the use of data in the shared care record by external sources, police, private health, sexual health clinics, child services, DwP, local councils, and mental health services
7. will the shared care record in your ICS be used for any purposes beyond direct care, eg population health management, planning, and research. If so, which uses, by whom, and how have these been communicated to users of the shared care record and patients themselves.
8. How have people been told they can opt-out, as in, by Email, Phone, or leaflet in a local GP surgery etc. and what % of people that your ICB (or relevant body) covered have been informed directly about this restructuring or their records, and to stress, how have they been most importantly – please list any and all initiatives for this, and if you have any of those materials can you please give me a copy of them.
9. How many opt-outs have there been as of the date of this request being sent?
10. if a patient who has opted out in your ICS moves to another ICS, will they need to opt-out again?
Date: 12 August 2022
Dear Sir / Madam,
FOI Reference Number: 1620
I refer to your email of 18 July 2022 requesting information in respect of Shared Care Records in the ICB.
I can confirm on behalf of Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (DDICB), and in accordance with S.1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) that we do hold some of the information that you have requested. A response to each element of your request is detailed below:
1. I’m aware that there are a number of ICS-level Shared Care Records, and that each ICS is required to have one. Please tell me the name of the Shared Care Record for your ICS, and also the name or names of the software provider(s) – e.g. Graphnet, Orion, Interweave, etc. In addition, if your ICS’s Shared Care Record is shared between several ICSs, please let me know the names of the other ICSs with which your Shared Care Record is shared
Derbyshire Shared Care Record (DCSR) is provided by Orion Health.
2. Other than processing patient data for the provision of direct care what other permissions or purposes would these software companies have.
None. The Derbyshire Shared Care Record is for direct care only.
3. Could you please provide a list of any and all bodies and organisations outside the NHS to either the shared care record or any data within it.
A list of all providers that view or share information is available on the JUCD website here under “About Derbyshire Shared Care Record.
4. Are there any circumstances at all in which police or immigration authorities specifically would be able to have access to ShCR’s and how would consent for this be given?
5. I have a specific question about delegated consent ie people who cannot make decisions for themselves – please could you provide me with a copy of the policy on delegated consent.
The legal basis for processing information within the Derbyshire Shared Cared record is not consent. There is no current policy for delegated consent.
6. Please could you provide your policy or policies around consent for the use of data in the shared care record by external sources, police, private health, sexual health clinics, child services, DwP, local councils, and mental health services
Please see our answer to question 5. The legal basis for processing data is for the provision of health and social care.
7. Will the shared care record in your ICS be used for any purposes beyond direct care, eg population health management, planning, and research. If so, which uses, by whom, and how have these been communicated to users of the shared care record and patients themselves.
This has not been considered to date. This would require considerable engagement with the citizens of Derbyshire to go beyond direct care.
8. How have people been told they can opt-out, as in, by Email, Phone, or leaflet in a local GP surgery etc. and what % of people that your ICB (or relevant body) covered have been informed directly about this restructuring or their records, and to stress, how have they been most importantly – please list any and all initiatives for this, and if you have any of those materials can you please give me a copy of them.
We do not hold information regarding the percentage of people informed directly. Paid for social media advertising on DSCR resulted in a reach of 68,573.
The following initiatives have taken place:
• JUCD March Newsletter 2022 (copy available from ICB on request).
• DCHS My Community Magazine – Winter / Spring 2022 (copy available from ICB on request).
• Launch announcement – media release:
Switch-on announced for new electronic shared care record for the residents of Derby and Derbyshire :: Derbyshire Community Health Services (
• Radio Derby piece with Jim Austin on DSCR – December 2021
• Dedicated DSCR section on JUCD website:
Shared Care Record » Joined Up Care Derbyshire
• Carousel image on the DCHS website links to above JUCD page.
• Three animated clinical scenarios shared on social media and via paid-for social media advertising to targeted audience:
o Quicker and Safer Care for Peter:
o Compassionate Care for Rita:
o Joined Up Care for Tom:
• A double page spread in Options magazine – 800 copies shared with local Derbyshire NHS organisations and Age UK (copy available from ICB on request).
• Information leaflets shared at Covid vaccination sites due to high footfall (copy available from ICB on request).
9. How many opt-outs have there been as of the date of this request being sent?
There have been 60 requests as of 18 July 2022.
10. If a patient who has opted out in your ICS moves to another ICS, will they need to opt-out again?
Yes. The opt out with our ICS is for sharing specifically via our shared care system, and no information will be passed on to other parties after opt-out, including who has opted out. Individuals wishing to opt out of sharing between providers should contact the source provider of the information (GP/ Hospital / Council etc.)
I hope that this answers your queries with the information we currently hold, but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB
FOI Team
Nightingale Close
S41 7PF
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, email
Yours faithfully,
Kathryn Jacklin
FOI Officer
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
All information we have provided is subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. Accordingly, if the information has been made available for re-use under the Open Government Licence (OGL) a request to re-use is not required, but the licence conditions must be met. You must not re-use any previously unreleased information without having the consent from the ICB. Should you wish to re-use previously unreleased information then you must make your request in writing (email will suffice) to the FOI Lead via All requests for re-use will be responded to within 20 working days of receipt.