How to recruit Patients and Public Partners (PPP)
In summary, patients and public partners play a vital role in shaping health services, promoting transparency, and ensuring that services reflect the insight of the people that use them and the community.
Having Patients and Public Partners enriches a workstream or project, some key positives are:
- Learning from Lived Experience: Patients and Public Partners provide valuable insights based on their real-world encounters with healthcare systems. These experiences and insight can be learnt from and fed into service improvements and address gaps or challenges.
- Increased Trust: When Patients and Public Partners are actively engaged, it increases trust between healthcare providers and the community. Transparency and collaboration build confidence.
- Capacity Building: This participation not only enriches decision-making and service development but also empowers individuals to take an active role in shaping health services.
- Balancing Evidence: While evidence-based approaches are essential, Patients and Public Partners involvement ensures that lived experiences and community needs are considered alongside other forms of evidence. This balance leads to more comprehensive and effective decision making and service development.
- Co-production – Patients and Public Partners are a key part of co-producing and co-designing service change and development. If you would like to know more about Co-production, please visit out Co-production Framework
With the help and input from Patient and Public Partners the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Engagement team have started to put together some guidance and templates to support people in the recruitment of Patient and Public Partners.
All these templates and guidance needs to be adapted to what works best for you workstream and the Patient and Public Partners in them. If you would like any further advice, please contact the Engagement team on:
How to recruit a Patient and Public Partner
Plan the role
- Guide to PPP Oct 2023
- Role description template
Recruit for the role
- Interview / Informal chat process and tips
- Communicate your role, contact to put on the opportunities pages.
- Induction plan and checklist, contains links to Expenses policy and confidentiality agreement.
- Involvement agreement
On-going Support
- One to one guidance

Did you also know…
Peer Support Network
The Joined-Up Care Engagement Team facility a Peer Support Network for all Patient and Public Partners across the system who all get invited to join the network.
This is not mandatory, but it is an opportunity for Patient and Public Partners across the system to come together to:
- Get to know one another.
- Share experiences of being a Patient and Public Partner.
- Discuss what is working well, and what may not be working so well.
If any Patient and Public Partners are interested, please contact the Engagement team on: