Worldwide guidance on patient safety is being implemented – with the support of a former GP from Derbyshire.
People at risk of falling in a rural part of Derbyshire are benefiting from a long-term programme of exercise classes thanks to a pioneering collaboration.
Nursing and pharmacy students have been helping patients and supporting GP practices, thanks to the support of The Hub Plus Derbyshire.
GP surgery staff across Derbyshire County Council area are receiving new training to help them support patients who have identified themselves as unpaid carers in their communities.
Lorna has had over a decade of living with multiple conditions that cause a variety of serious pain responses. She has learned to manage her pain better and successfully moved from taking regular high dose opioids every day to only occasionally needing over the counter pain medication.
Fewer people are coming to harm, including avoidable deaths, and more people are managing their pain better, thanks to teamwork across the health and care system.