BUPA Dental Service Closure | Bolsover

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) has been working to find a solution for local people, following the closure of the BUPA Bolsover dental practice on 30 June.

Short term

Arrangements were made with local dental practices listed below to accommodate extra patients affected by the closure, beginning in July 2023.

The following practices took on additional activity from July 2023:


  1. Brimington Dental Practice, 2a Chesterfield Road, Brimington S43 1AD

Telephone 01246 278204


  1. Clowne Dental Surgery, 33 North Road, Clowne S43 4PH

Telephone 01246 811 573


  1. High Street Dental Clinic (formerly Thelwell and Associates) 38 High Street, Staveley S43 3UX

Telephone 01246 561511


  1. Staveley Dental Care, 9a Church Street, Staveley S43 3TL

Telephone 01246 471047


Please check with the practices and the NHS website for availability, updates and information on the release of appointments. 

Longer term

Opening a new dental practice typically requires a minimum of 12 months, mainly due to the time it takes to acquire the necessary equipment. Various checks and assessments must also be conducted on the premises and the dental practice provider to ensure that patient safety and service quality are maintained at a high standard.

To ensure access in the area, we are planning for an interim caretaking service to use the facilities vacated by BUPA. This will significantly reduce the amount of time it usually takes to set up a new practice. However, there are still essential procedures that must be adhered to before the practice can begin seeing patients.

We are currently undertaking a comprehensive procurement process for the interim caretaking service. This involves inviting potential operators of dental services to say how they would provide the service before a contract is agreed.

We expect the interim caretaking service to be operational for early 2024.

We are also undertaking a comprehensive procurement process for a long-term service, and this will take longer to complete. We expect the interim service to remain in place until the long-term contract is finalised.

We will provide updates via the ICB’s website, your local MP and we will be liaising with your Primary Care Network (your group of local GP Practices) to keep you updated.

Will I have to pay?

If you usually pay when you visit a dentist, this will still apply. 

You do not have to pay for NHS dental services if you are:

  • Under 18 years of age or under 19 and in full-time education.
  • Pregnant or had a baby in the last 12 months.
  • Being treated in an NHS hospital and your treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist (you may have to pay for dentures or bridges however).
  • Receiving low-income benefits or are under 20 and a dependant of someone receiving low-income benefits.

If you or your spouse (including civil partner) receive Income Support, Income Related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, Universal Credit (in certain circumstances).

You can receive free NHS dental treatment if you are entitled to or are named on:

A valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate, a valid HC2 certificate (for people on low income), a valid maternity exemption certificate and people named on NHS Certificate for partial help (HC3).

People on low income can include some students and pensioners.

You will be asked to show proof that you do not have to pay for all or part of your NHS treatment and sign a form to confirm you do not have to pay.