Event at Thornbrook Surgery provides support and information to carers

Happy Carers Week to all our carers in Derby and Derbyshire!

We have 118,000 unpaid carers in Derby and Derbyshire and they provide crucial care to some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

Our GP practice staff work hard to support carers. We know the health of carers can suffer because of the strain of caring for their loved one.

At Thornbrook Surgery in Chapel-en-le-Frith the team there recently held an event for support organisations to share the help they can offer with people who are registered as carers at the practice.

Local organisations attended to provide information to carers – some of them are pictured at the event.

Andrea Price, care coordinator there, said: “Carers are very special people and should be respected for what they do.

“If we can help them get the help, support and knowledge they need then we are doing our job.

“We invited patients who we know are carers and they came and met Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service and other support groups. Our doctors joined in too and found it very useful.

“We flag to multi-disciplinary teams when patients are carers so they can offer extra support and they know what signs to look for when people may be struggling.”

If you’re a carer, it’s important to remember that you are not alone when caring for someone, and reaching out for support can make a significant difference to your overall ability to care for someone. If you don’t know where to start, consider contacting an organisation such as the Derbyshire All-Age Carers Support Service.

We also have lots of information to support carers on our website.