Got a minor illness? Your pharmacist can help

Pharmacists are trained healthcare professionals who can easily help with minor illnesses such as coughs and colds, itchy eyes and earache. If symptoms indicate something that may be more serious, they can signpost you to other NHS services, such as a GP or A&E to the help you need. With no appointment needed, local pharmacy teams offer a fast and convenient service and if needed can speak to you in the privacy of a consultation room.

New data reveals that although 82% of people aged 18-40 trust the advice provided by their local pharmacist, only 19% of people said they would go to a pharmacy first when experiencing minor health concerns (e g cough, cold or earache).

While 93% of people know where their local pharmacy is nearly half of those surveyed 43% do not use it when experiencing minor health concerns, opting to speak to their GP first.

64% of those aged 18-40 did not know that pharmacists train for five years before they’re fully qualified This includes a four year master’s degree in Pharmacy, followed by a foundation year in training.

So, if you’re experiencing a minor health concern speak to your local pharmacist to get expert advice straight away. Find your local pharmacy here.