Mentor Dr Rebecca wins national volunteering award

A specialist doctor at the Royal Derby Hospital has been celebrating after getting the surprise of her life – live on Good Morning Britain.

Rebecca Thompson, an SAS (speciality and specialist) doctor, was expecting to be interviewed on live morning television by presenters Kate Garraway and Ed Balls about being nominated for their national volunteer of the year award.

When the interview began, she was told by Kate that she had in fact won the award.

Rebecca could not believe what she was being told and was stunned into silence, replying: “I don’t really feel I’ve done enough. I’ve just sat on Teams and chatted to people.”

In fact, Rebecca mentors young people with aspirations for a career in healthcare, giving guidance on job applications, gaining experience, and even conducting mock interviews.

Kate told Rebecca: “We have seen the work you do and it is extraordinary. The mentees and all you work with say you have changed their lives and you help so many people, not just doing what you do as a doctor but in the work with the Prince’s Trust as well.”

Ed added: “We need you to carry on doing this, to get more young people to be doctors and nurses and healthcare professionals because you will inspire the next generation and we need them to follow the path you have taken.”

Rebecca received her award from Kate on 21 May at a ceremony in London, along with other winners of GMB’s awards.

Watch the clip of Rebecca being surprised by Ed and Kate on GMB’s X channel.