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Launched in September 2020, the ‘Derbyshire Dialogue’ was set up to start an online conversation between the residents of Derbyshire, and those commissioning and providing services to update on the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It now has a broader remit, to include all manner of different topics.

Sessions are delivered by senior clinicians, or officers in their field, and cover a range of topics, for example Long-Covid-19, urgent and emergency services, mental health, cancer services, NHS 111 First and Primary Care services.

All our Derbyshire Dialogue sessions include a British Sign Language interpreter (if one is available) and they are recorded.

You can find information about the latest topic on the Derbyshire Dialogue Engagement Platform.

To suggest a topic for the Derbyshire Dialogue or for further information or questions please contact

“I have been attending the Derbyshire Dialogue sessions almost from their inception and have found them all very good in both the topics covered and the information supplied.

The fact that they provide an opportunity for people to raise questions and enter into a discussion is a really good example of engagement with the wider public and I know that they attract people who do not otherwise engage with the NHS.

It is good to note that the numbers participating are steadily increasing. As a member of the Public Partnership Committee, I strongly feel that Derbyshire Dialogue is playing its part in wider-ranging and more effective communication with the public.”

– Jocelyn Street, regular participant at Derbyshire Dialogue 

Last Updated: Thursday 15th June 2023 - 9:26:am

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