Pharmacy First helps tens of thousands of people get better in Derbyshire

Pharmacy First – the service that offers treatment for seven common conditions – has been used by tens of thousands of people in Derbyshire since it was launched a year ago today (31 January).

New data shows that more than 37,000 consultations under the Pharmacy First scheme took place across Derby and Derbyshire over the six months from April to September. Full year data is not yet available.

The six months of activity carried by pharmacists in Derbyshire is estimated to have saved more than 6,000 hours of time for GPs and other healthcare professionals, over the six months.

This time saved is the equivalent of six full-time clinicians, employed for six months (assuming a 10 minute appointment per consultation was prevented).

Launched on 31 January 2024, Pharmacy First means local community pharmacists are the first place for people to turn for:

  • earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
  • impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
  • infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
  • shingles (aged 18 years and over)
  • sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
  • sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
  • urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)

People can get treatment from a pharmacist under Pharmacy First simply by visiting their local community pharmacy, without a GP appointment.

Additionally, some patients are referred under Pharmacy First after calling their GP practice with a minor ailment. In this case the GP practice makes a referral to the pharmacist.

If a patient is referred by a GP practice the pharmacist is able to provide prescription treatments for a wider range of minor ailments. These include:

  • constipation
  • diarrhoea
  • headache
  • swelling
  • certain pains
  • rashes

Pharmacy First was introduced as part of the NHS’s drive to improve access to primary care. It is aimed at relieving the pressure on GP practice teams and providing a flexible and responsive service from local community pharmacists, who can see patients without an appointment.

Nick Hunter, chief officer for Community Pharmacy Derbyshire, said community pharmacy is playing a vital role in supporting patients to stay well, manage their medication and to recover from minor illnesses.

He said: “These figures underline the vital role that community pharmacy increasingly plays in supporting the health and wellbeing of people living and working in Derbyshire.

 “As we head deeper into the winter months, community pharmacies will undoubtedly help even more patients under the Pharmacy First service as people present with sore throats, sinusitis, UTIs and parents bring in children with earache.

“In doing so, they will continue to relieve pressure on general practice and A&E by supporting people with minor ailments to access professional healthcare quickly and effectively in their communities.”

Clive Newman, director of primary care for NHS Derby and Derbyshire, said: “Pharmacy First is proving a big success with people who want get quick treatment for minor conditions.

“We have nearly 200 community pharmacies in Derbyshire – often in the heart of local communities and often opening long hours in the evenings and at weekends.

“Pharmacy First is supporting patients, helping pharmacists and freeing up time for GPs and their teams so they can focus on the people who most need their support.

“This winter, with lots of bugs and sickness around and causing pressure on the NHS, community pharmacy will play a vital role in helping people get better and to stay well.”