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Keeping you and your family safe

It is our role to promote the wellbeing of all adults. Some adults are sometimes less able to protect themselves from harm and abuse.

If you know someone aged 18 and over who is being hurt or is at risk of harm then you must tell someone.

Abuse must be stopped.

It is really important to protect an adult who is being hurt, shouted at, or who is scared of someone who should be caring for them.

Advice and support

If you would like advice or information please contact the NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups Safeguarding Adult Team, details below:

  • Bill Nicol (Assistant Director for Safeguarding Adults) Mobile : 07900 545 354
  • Michelle Grant (Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Adults) Mobile : 07909 097 615 
  • Aaron Brown (Safeguarding Adults Manager) Mobile : 07979 511 384

Adult Safeguarding referrals to local authorities:  

  • Derby City Council 01332 642 855 (or 01332 786 968 for out of hours)
  • Derbyshire County Council (Call Derbyshire) 01629 533 190 

Short Films

The Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board has produced a short animated film to raise awareness of Safeguarding Adults:

Identifying & Reporting Abuse & Neglect Short Film 

Rural Action Derbyshire have produced a short film called ‘Dawn’s Story’ to raise awareness of domestic abuse:

Rural Action Derbyshire The Willows Film 

Safeguarding Adult guidance and policies

docx, 52.36 KB

For more detailed information and guidance on the categories of abuse, please listen to the Safeguarding Adult Podcasts. 

Podcast episodes

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – VARM Case Study
mp3, 1.90 MB

In this second podcast looking at the VARM (Vulnerable Adult Risk Management) colleagues from the DSAB share a case study of a gentleman who experienced the VARM process in Derbyshire.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – VARM - What is VARM?
mp3, 3.26 MB

In this podcast colleagues from the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board with the VARM (Vulnerable Adult Risk Management) co-ordinator talk about what a VARM  is, who it applies to and how it works.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – STOMP
mp3, 4.21 MB

In this podcast Ed Ronayne talks to colleagues from Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation trust about the issue of STOMP (Stopping Over Medication of People) and how it can impact those members of the community with learning disability, autism or both.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Self-Neglect Part 2
mp3, 7.03 MB

In the second of two podcasts, Professors Suzy Braye and Michael Preston-Shoot continue to discuss self-neglect and it is applied across health and social care with Ed Ronayne, Safeguarding Adults Manager with NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Groups.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Self-Neglect Part 1
mp3, 6.85 MB

In the first of two podcasts, Suzy Braye, Emerita Professor of Social Work at the University of Sussex and Michael Preston- Shoot, Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the University of Bedfordshire talk with Ed Ronayne, Safeguarding Adults Manager at NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Groups, about their research findings in relation to self-neglect and safeguarding.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Prevent Podcast (29 October 2015)
mp3, 6.37 MB

Natalie Hall speaks to Ed Ronayne, Safeguarding Adults Manager with the Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Groups, about the UK government's anti- radicalisation strategy known as Prevent and what it means for health.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Deprivation of Liberty
mp3, 3.68 MB

We explore the human right to liberty and why it needs to be protected, the meaning of deprivation of liberty and how a deprivation may be authorised under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Lasting Powers of Attorney
mp3, 3.25 MB

We explore lasting powers of attorney under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and what these mean for health.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Protection for Healthcare and Treatment Actions
mp3, 1.96 MB

We continue our journey through the Mental Capacity Act 2005 by exploring two very important areas for health - how to be protected for healthcare and treatment actions where the patient is unable to give consent, and the conditions that need to be satisfied for the restraint of an adult who lacks capacity.

DDCCG Safeguarding Podcast – Best Interests
mp3, 3.50 MB

We explore what the Mental Capacity Act 2005 says about best interests, including the best interest’s checklist and the limits to best interests decision-making.

Last Updated: Thursday 4th July 2024 - 4:45:pm

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