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What does being a Child in Care or Looked after Child mean?

When a child or young person (from birth to their 18th birthday) is made the subject of a care order, resulting in the local authority having a legal responsibility for the child or young person. However parents continue to have parental responsibility but the local authority can limit parental responsibility if this is necessary in the interests of the child’s welfare.

Legal basis:

  • Section 31 (The Children Act 1989) in care of the local authority on a care order or interim care order.
  • Section 21(2) (Children Act 1989) i.e. remanded to the care of the local authority.
  • Section 44 (Children Act 1989) an emergency protection order

 A child or young person can also become ‘looked after’ or a ‘child in care’ within a voluntary agreement with parent/s consent or request or with the young person’s request if aged 16-17 years under Section 20 (The Children Act 1989)

Both these terms have the same meaning, however evidence indicates that children and young people who have experience within the care system actually prefer the term ‘children in care’.

Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is the responsible commissioner for Looked after Children originating from Derby City and Derbyshire and work in collaboration with Derby City and Derbyshire County Council Local Authorities to act in the best interests of the child and young person.

The ICB commissions the statutory healthcare provision for Looked after Children originating from Derby City and Derbyshire and the teams responsible are as follows:

Derby City (Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

Children in Care Nursing Service, Sinfin Health Centre, Derby, DE24 3DS

Tel: 01332 389220

Secure email address:   

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm


Derbyshire CIC 5-19yrs (Chesterfield Royal Hospital)

Children in Care Health Team, Clay Cross Clinic, Clay Cross, S45 9EE

Tel: 01246 868 868

Secure email address:

Monday to Friday  9am – 5pm


Derbyshire CIC 0-5 years

Derbyshire Family Health Service

Public Health Nursing Service for Children Aged 0 -19 Years

Designated nurses

The ICB host two Designated Nurses for Looked after Children, one aligned to Derby City and the other to Derbyshire.

The Designated Nurse for Looked After Children’s role is pivotal in the strategic planning, quality assurance and performance monitoring and is essential in advising on the provision of services for vulnerable Looked After Children and Care Leavers within the health economy (RCN 2015).  The two Designated Nurses are available for advice and support in relation to Looked after Children wherever they originate from, responsible commissioning queries, to act as an advocate for Looked after Children, placement/adoption notifications and general support to professionals regarding this vulnerable group of children and young people.

Designated Nurse for Derby City: Heather Peet

Mobile: 07825 863 091

Secure email:

Designated Nurse for Derbyshire: Alison Robinson

Mobile: 07825 274 196

Secure email:


Looked After Children Administrative support:

Cat McMenamin: 

Secure email:

Designated Doctors

NHS Derby & Derbyshire ICB also employ two Designated Doctors for Children in Care – one aligned to Derby City and one aligned to Derbyshire. They work alongside the Designated Nurses for Children in Care and they have a very important role in promoting the health and welfare of looked-after children.

Their role is to assist the ICB and other commissioners of health services, in fulfilling their responsibilities to improve the health of looked-after children. The Designated Doctor CIC role is intended to be strategic, separate from any responsibilities for individual looked after children (although the professionals in these posts may also provide a direct service to children outside of their designated role).

The individual Designated Doctors can be contacted via the Designated Nurses for CIC or via the CIC Administrative Team.

Care Leavers

The Local Authority has a responsibility to support young people who leave care at 18 years old.  The level of support available will depend on the age entering care, length of time in care but support is available up to the age of 25 yrs old.

Care Leavers Team for Derby City originating Looked after Children

  • Leaving Care Team, Curzon House, 8 Curzon Street, Derby, DE1 1LL
    Telephone: 01332 643 907


Care Leavers Team for Derbyshire originating Looked after Children

Chesterfield office

  • The Pod, Hunloke Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 2NT
    Tel: 01629 532755

Long Eaton office

Leaving Care Service (Erewash and South Derbyshire and South Derbyshire Dales)

  • Long Eaton Family Support Centre, Lime Terrace,
    Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 4LF
    Telephone: 01629 532706
    Freephone number for young people – 08081 961750

Derbyshire Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children’s Team

  • The Pod, 33 Hunloke Avenue, Chesterfield, S40 2NT
    Telephone: 01629 533578
Last Updated: Tuesday 4th March 2025 - 12:01:pm

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