Update on health and social care in Glossop

On 1 July 2022 there was a change to the way health and social care is delivered in Glossop as responsibility for the health element moved from the NHS in Tameside and Glossop to the NHS in Derby and Derbyshire. The was part of a boundary change programme which the Government set out in 2021. The reason for making the boundary change was to improve the way health and care services are delivered through closer joint working.

The responsibility for making these improvements sits with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and there are 42 of these across the country, established to help healthcare (usually provided by the NHS) and social care (usually provided by your local authority or local council) work more closely together so that you receive the best care this partnership can jointly provide. In Derby and Derbyshire, our ICS is called Joined Up Care Derbyshire which is a partnership of the local NHS, local authorities and local voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, all now working more closely working together on behalf of our communities.

The local organisation responsible for health is NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and we pledged in 2022 that no services would be changed before 1 July 2023 as a result of the boundary change. This date has now passed, the pledge has been met and as had been promised prior to the change to the boundary, residents in Glossop have continued to be able to access health services in exactly the same way. We now believe that this will likely be the situation for the long term in most cases. In the time since making the pledge, ICB staff have been conducting a desktop review of the services currently provided in Glossop and those provided in the former Derby and Derbyshire CCG area to understand where there is any variation. There are more than 200 services and contracts in scope for this review and it has therefore taken time, with more still to do.

However, what the review is finding so far is that there are only a handful of differences, most of which will not result in any significant change to service provision. Where there are obvious differences, these mostly relate to clinical policies where criteria are applied at the point of referral to a particular – usually very specialist – service, which will mean that the vast majority of routine healthcare accessed by Glossop residents will continue to be accessed in the same way without change.  This includes GP services, hospital care, ambulance and community services.  The review period will hopefully conclude during autumn 2023, and where variation to services is confirmed this will be the subject of discussion with affected service users where this is required and possible.

We understand that health and social care is very important to people and we continue to work with local partners in Glossop to share information and to listen to what matters most to you. If you have any questions please contact us at ddicb.enquiries@nhs.net