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Our Aims:

  • To support frontline staff to get the most from the time spent with patients, clients, service users and their families and carers.
  • To provide a safe and fun opportunity to practice and develop effective communication strategies.
  • To provide ongoing support and embed learning after the training.
  • To make quality communication a normal part of everyday practice across Derbyshire.

What’s the training like?

The 3 hour interactive training is delivered by experienced coaches. You need access to a computer with a camera and microphone.

There will be time and space to practice your skills in virtual break out rooms. You will gain expert tips and advice tailored to your needs and time and space to practice your skills in small friendly groups.  Participants also receive a supportive resource manual with more in-depth information to support learning beyond the sessions.

What’s on offer?

Core Quality Conversations training:

This training covers:

  • The impact of health inequalities.
  • Understanding bias.
  • Listening and communications skills development.

You will learn techniques and skills that are a foundation to build on with our new and exciting ‘Spotlight’ sessions.

Spotlight Sessions:

These 3 hour sessions focus on specific areas to allow you to tailor your training to meet your individual needs. These sessions include:

Last Updated: Friday 17th May 2024 - 3:27:pm

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Previous copies of the newsletter can be found on our website.

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