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What is a ‘Quality Conversation’?

A ‘quality conversation’ focuses on person-centred communication. It combines general communication skills with health coaching techniques, helping to understand factors that affect a person’s health and wellbeing. Better engagement with colleagues, patients, clients, families, and carers can lead to improved teamwork, health outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Below, you can find a range of training courses and helpful resources.

Core Skills

You will learn about the impact of health inequalities, and develop listening skills, communications skills, and health coaching approaches.  You will gain expert tips and advice tailored to your needs and a chance to practice in small friendly groups. 
The training is delivered online, on Microsoft Teams and is 3 hours 15 minutes long. 
We recommend doing our Core Skills training before moving on to our spotlight sessions. 

Spotlight Sessions

Our spotlight sessions are for staff who would like more in depth training to support them in their roles. They cover lots of different topics.

Each session is delivered online, on Microsoft Teams and is 3 hours 15 minutes long. 

Find out about the different spotlight sessions using the drop down boxes below.


  • This interactive e-learning will teach you enhanced communication skills to help you play a part in reducing health inequalities, whatever your role.
  • This course is essential and available to anyone working in the health, social care and community voluntary and social enterprise sector in Derby and Derbyshire.
  • It is suitable for anyone, in any role.
 The E-learning is three 20 minute modules. 


Last Updated: Monday 17th March 2025 - 2:53:pm

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